Renew expired OCSP system certificates
by pki tech
Hi all,
Good day to you all.
What is the process to renew all the four system certificates
(SubsystemCert, ServerCert, ocspSigningCert and AuditsigningCert) when
those existing certificates are currently expired. I cant access the
pkiconsole also as the system is not up and running.
I have used the certutil to generate the certificate requests and get it
signed by the CA. But it didn't work as expected. I believe the procedure
that i have followed to request generation or the signing profiles used for
the generation, may have some issues.
8 years, 7 months
base64 CMC Request format
by Elliott William C OSS sIT
Hi all,
Can Dogtag (in this case v. 9.0.3-30.el6 ) be coerced into accepting base64-encoded CMC requests? Is there a parameter somewhere? Or would it require reprogramming?
We have a (smart-)card management system (runs under Windows) which sends the requests and expects the responses to both be base64 encoded.
Thanks and best regards,
William Elliott
s IT Solutions
Open System Services
8 years, 7 months
ESC doesn't recognize smartcard / standalone operation?
by Nordgren, Bryce L -FS
My system is to the point where command line interaction with the smart card behaves as expected, as long as I use the OpenSC middleware to pam_pkcs11, and not coolkey. Using pklogin_finder asks for the PIN, verifies the certificates, and maps the user to a local system account. System details in previous thread:
My expectation was that the "smart card manager" should pop up when the card is inserted. It doesn't. I can type "esc" at the command line, and it says "No Cards Present" with everything greyed out. Likewise, inserting the smart card at the login prompt does nothing. There _is_ an "./escd" process running. Is ESC hardwired to use coolkey, which can't read my card? How can I debug this?
Final question: Am I correct to assume that my situation does not call for a TPS, TKS, or even a CA? I must not touch the info on these smart cards: Never format, never issue certs, never save, never change. My machines just need to respect a totally external PKI infrastructure: ask for PIN, verify cert against the CA bundle, and start a login session. For any of the things I would need a PKI infrastructure for, I need to make an appointment at a GSA Credentialing Center, then physically show up with two forms of ID in hand.
Many thanks for your helpful advice!
9 years, 9 months
PIV-II middleware bug in coolkey
by Nordgren, Bryce L -FS
Continuation of thread started in:
Synopsis: coolkey misinterprets my USDA LincPass (issued by a GSA Credentialing Center) as a CAC, then fails. It's a PIV-II, according to OpenSC, which doesn't fail.
Using the OpenSC module with pam-pkcs11, I was able to get pklogin_finder to validate my certificates and associate my card to a user account via cn mapper. Using the coolkey module, errors ensued and logs are attached to the above thread.
The question is: how do I/should I report this bug? Coolkey looks dead. No svn commits for 4 years. Last mailing list traffic on coolkey-devel was 2012. Is there anyone on the project?
In the interim, I was also able to locate a standard deck of test cards [1], both for 30 day loan and for purchase @ $1900. The test deck contains two "golden" cards and 22 cards with known problems that the software should catch. It does not appear I can request an "extra" card from USDA for testing. If there's anyone left to update coolkey, do you think the 30 day loan (potentially with an extension) is enough time to debug the software, or at the very least get a start on it?
If the $1900 deck is necessary to add this functionality, it may be possible to donate or semi-permanently loan a set to the open source project. But I'd definitely need to understand what the coolkey project's release and testing plan is and who would hold the physical assets.
9 years, 9 months
Can I change the CN = CA Signing Certificate to something else?
by Ben Peck
I'm running Fedora 21 with Dogtag 10.2.1-3. My CA's Certificate was given
"CA Signing Certificate" as its CN, and I'm wondering how it got that way
and it might be customized on install.
Running pkispawn interactively definitely didn't give me an opportunity to
supply a name, and looking over the config file I could customize also
doesn't seem to provide an opportunity to customize this:
Dogtag 9 gave the opportunity to customize this as part of the initial
setup - where is this done in version 10?
9 years, 9 months
OCSP Manager and large CRLs
by David Stutzman - US
I'm attempting to configure an instance of the standalone OCSP Manager and I'm having an issue with it loading the active set of DoD CAs/CRLs. I'm using the LDAP store and have the 17 active CAs/CRLs (Root 2, ID and Email 25-32) added in the configuration. I loaded the directory server (389 ds) with a java program so I know all entries are configured exactly the same with caCertificate;binary and certificateRevocationList;binary attributes for each. While loading, In the debug logs I see "Started CRL Update" for all 17 but then I'll only see 13 finish. I see increased CPU usage (basically 100%) for several minutes after starting the service until the 14th CRL is processed when the machine goes back to idle and it just seems to stop processing the remaining 3 large CRLs. The problem CRLs are understandably the 4 largest at 27.6Mb (this one loads about 4 min 45 seconds after startup), 30.6Mb, 29.5Mb, 33.5Mb. The virtual machine I'm using has 4 cores and 8GB of memory (originally 4, but increasing to 8 didn't seem to help). I see nothing in the system or transaction logs to indicate what the problem is either. The rpm version of the pki-ocsp package is 9.0.15-1.
9 years, 9 months
Re: [Pki-users] confused about access control list
by Christina Fu
I was looking for an exact aci syntax example you tried that failed so I
could help you better with.
Did you do something like:
resourceACLS: (submit)
user!="someBody" && group="Agents":All Agents other than someBody may
submit an enrollment request
I got the syntax info from the link I gave you. Let me know if that's
what you tried.
On 04/24/2015 11:14 AM, Ali Khalidi wrote:
> In my test, I've added an user to CM and assigned him Agent group
> permissions.
> now, I want to deny this user enrollment submission, so there are two
> default and pre-existing ACLs of relevance:
> and
> in both I tried the following to the submit right:
> change the submit right from allow to deny -> the user can still
> submit and enroll a certificate
> change back to allow, then added a deny rule with the username
> specified -> the user can still submit and enroll a certificate
> these were just experiments to understand how ACLs work.
> my end goal, if possible with dogtag, and I would appreciate if you
> point me to the right direction is:
> restrict an agent to submit and execute and enrollment based on a
> specific certificate profile.
> having said the latter, the user_origreq looked promising for that
> matter, but I have no clue how to create a new ACL with it. help is
> appreciated in the area as well.
> Thanks,
> Ali
> On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 7:31 PM, Christina Fu <cfu(a)
> <>> wrote:
> On 04/22/2015 02:17 AM, Ali Khalidi wrote:
>> I've tried a simple example of using the ACL to block profile
>> listing and it works. however, I want to disable a CA agent from
>> submitting/approving or executing any enrollment requests. I've
>> went through all the ACLs, and whenever I encountered a submit
>> right, I flipped to deny. despite that the agent still is able to
>> submit and enroll certificates.
> information on access control can be found here:
> It would help if you give us an acl example that you tried that
> does not work?
>> another aspect, I was looking into the user_orgreq ACL plugin.
>> can someone provide and an example on how this can be used in the
>> context of ACLs?
> The user_origreq is an access evaluator plugin for the
> UserOrigReqAccessEvaluator. Its primary purpose is for access
> control during renewal. It checks to see the the authenticated
> user and the original request ownership match.
> Hope this helps.
>> thanks,
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>> Pki-users mailing list
>> Pki-users(a) <>
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> Pki-users mailing list
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9 years, 9 months
Re: [Pki-users] SCEP directory authentication
by Emily Stemmerich
I was wondering if anyone could offer some assistance with getting SCEP working with LDAP auth?
Date: Monday, April 27, 2015 at 4:53 PM
To: "pki-users(a)<>" <pki-users(a)<>>
Subject: [Pki-users] SCEP directory authentication
I am still trying to get Dogtag 10.2.1 on Fedora 21 working to allow for router identity certificates obtained by Cisco Routers via SCEP to be auto-renewing. I have found that the one-time pin model doesn’t work for auto-renewal. I was pointed to the RedHat document below that discusses using directory-based auth in Section 8.2.1, but I’m having issues with getting it to work.
I’m not certain what to put in the dnpattern attribute and there are no examples I can find and am wondering if it is the reason attempts show uid and credentials as null from the router – details of the setup later on in this email.
dnpattern. Specifies a string representing a subject name pattern to formulate from the directory attributes and entry DN.
>From my CS.conf (RouterAuth is then referenced in the caRouterCert.cfg instead of flatfile):
I’ve created a hierarchy outside of dogtag for doing router auth:
Test User Account (I am not sure what objectClass to use, so I found one with uid and password as options and used that):
dn: uid=,ou=RouterID,dc=auth,dc=sample,dc=com
objectClass: inetUser
userPassword: testpass
Router config. For flatfile auth it ends up using the wan IP and the password and password in the identity section, however for LDAP auth I don’t know what things would map to:
crypto ca identity SAMPLE
enrollment url
revocation-check none
serial-number none
ip-address none
hash sha256
password testpass
rsakeypair MEVO 2048
auto-enroll 75
crl optional
crypto ca authenticate SAMPLE
When I try and get a cert from the Cisco Router I get output like the following in the debug file that lists both UID and credential as null:
[24/Apr/2015:16:31:18][http-bio-8080-exec-7]: Got authenticator=com.netscape.cms.authentication.UidPwdDirAuthentication
[24/Apr/2015:16:31:18][http-bio-8080-exec-7]: LdapAnonConnFactory::getConn
[24/Apr/2015:16:31:18][http-bio-8080-exec-7]: LdapAnonConnFactory.getConn(): num avail conns now 4
[24/Apr/2015:16:31:18][http-bio-8080-exec-7]: Authenticating UID=null
[24/Apr/2015:16:31:19][http-bio-8080-exec-7]: returnConn: mNumConns now 4
[24/Apr/2015:16:31:19][http-bio-8080-exec-7]: operation failure - Authentication credential for uid is null.
[24/Apr/2015:16:31:19][http-bio-8080-exec-7]: Output PKIOperation response:
Thanks for any assistance,
9 years, 9 months
US Government SmartCard question
by Nordgren, Bryce L -FS
I'm trying to set up smart card logins on Linux using a clean Fedora 21 install following the instructions at [1]. My main objective is to use my USDA-issued LincPass (the USDA brand of the USAccess card) for login to local accounts on linux machines that are not joined to the domain and which are outside the firewall. Essentially, I have control over a handful of machines, but no control over issuing the smart cards.
I'll try to get you relevant debugging info, but I don't know much about smart card internals. My setup (card info from ActivClient on Windows):
Card Reader: SCR3310 v2.0 "smartOS powered"
Smart Card Mfr: Oberthur Technologies
Smart Card Model: ID-One Cosmo v7.0 with Oberthur PIV Applet Suite 2.3.2
The problem: following instructions at [1], "pkcs11_inspect debug" results in "no token available" and the light on the reader never comes on. Googling, I saw that US government cards may require CACKey instead of coolkey, so I downloaded/compiled/installed the version at [2] and modified the pam_pkcs11.conf file. Reboot. Improvement. The light comes on. Repeating the "pkcs11_inspect debug" prompts for a PIN for token, and fails immediately afterward with "pkcs11_pass_login() failed: pkcs11_login() failed". I entered the PIN I enter on Windows.
Any insights are appreciated.
9 years, 9 months