On 01/28/2010 04:05 PM, Kashyap Chamarthy wrote:
On 01/28/2010 03:23 PM, Andrew Commons wrote:
> James Wright wrote:
>> I have been looking in to this and it look like some dependences are
>> being
> installed from the repo updates which use version 1.3
> A number of Dogtag packages showed up in the standard Fedora set of
> packages
> that you can manipulate with the Add/Remove Software interface. I
> initially
> thought these _were_ the complete Dogtag application and installed the
> lot.
> It was only after some considerable period rummaging around trying to
> get it
> to work that I realised it was not the complete application and
> removed the
> whole lot. I subsequently followed the manual installation method which
> added the pki repo to the global list bringing all the other packages
> into
> the GUI giving a mix of 1.2 and 1.3 packages.
> Perhaps this is at the root of all this?
- This is how I got the dogtag CA working on a Fedora-12(fully updated).
Note: Currently not all dependencies are pushed to stable repository.
Fedora updates-testing repository _must_ be enabled to have smooth 'yum
install pki-ca'
- the below worked for me:
* update your F-12 system
* Install 389-ds and setup a DS instance.
* Enable your Fedora updates testing repository under here
* You can directly try to install pki-ca from the cli using the below
#yum install pki-ca --enablerepo=updates-testing
forgot to mention,
* run 'pkicreate' as root to create a CA instance (see the 'pkicreate'
help for more..)
* Once installed go ahead and configure the CA instance and restart
hope that helps,
> Cheers,
> Andrew
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