I've noticed that it's trivial to discover the exact version information
about the servlet container that runs a particular CA instance, one only
has to visit an invalid URL for a given instance, e.g.:
HTTP Status 404 - /qwerty
type Status report
message /qwerty
description The requested resource (/qwerty) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/5.5.26
Security by obscurity arguments aside, IMHO it's not so wise to
immediately provide exact version information for the server running
such security critical service. This information isn't a vulnerability
in itself, but makes it so much easier to plan an attack strategy for a
potential intruder.
In Apache, it's enough to use the "ServerTokens" configuration directive
to suppress giving out the exact server version, but AFAIK in Tomcat one
has to prepare a customised error page and configure it in web app's
web.xml (the <error-page> element -
With Tomact, most admins won't bother since it requires so much labour.
I think it would be nice to package simple error pages that don't
divulge version information in the pki RPMs by default - do you agree?
That would require modifying the following (all webapps' contexts have
to be customised):
Best Regards,
Aleksander Adamowski
GG#: 274614
ICQ UIN: 19780575