Hi Sergio,
I did wonder if what you needed was Subject Alternative Name extension
but since you said it's a "special attribute" I thought you want
something different ;-).
SubjectAlternativeName Extension is easy to apply in Dogtag.
First, here is info regarding SubjectAlternativeName:
Scroll down a page or two then you will find Table B.21 Subject
Alternative Name extension Default Configuration Parameters.
This is pretty much what you need. I think what you want for "Type" is
So for example, you would have:
policyset.set1.p06.constraint.name=No Constraint
policyset.set1.p06.default.name=Subject Alternative Name Extension Default
again, the pattern part you can change it to take it from the input once
it's working. However, unless you are in a controlled environment, it's
better to have a constraint (You can write a plugin to suit your
needs). And unless you have multiple OID's to insert, there is really
no need to take from input.
Regarding Generic Extension, I know it should work. Maybe your value
did not match the constraint. But it's a moot point now since you are
looking for SAN.
hope this helps,
On 01/23/2014 04:12 AM, Sergio Pereira wrote:
Hi Christina,
I really appreciate for your response and time. I did try your
suggestion but with no luck, when enrolling through web form I get the
message: "Sorry, your request has been rejected. The reason is
"Request Rejected - {0}".
Attached is a picture of a real certificate, signed by a Brazilian CA
and that is what I'm trying to accomplish using DogTag certificate
system. The OID I'm trying to write to is marked in red and its value
has some sort of Hex form (that would be the second step to
be accomplished). One thing I realized is that the OID in question is
in Subject Alternative Name and not as Generic Extension.
2014/1/23 Christina Fu <cfu(a)redhat.com <mailto:cfu@redhat.com>>
If I understand it correctly, you just want the OID to appear in
the cert? if so, Generic Extension might be what you are looking for:
Here is an example of it:
http://policyset.set1.p06.constraint.name>=Extension Constraint
http://policyset.set1.p06.default.name>=Generic Extension Default
In the above example, I just put your country OID in the profile,
but I imagine you could change it to take it from the input. If
you do so, you might want to lighten up on the constraint. I
suggest you try the above hard-coded profile first just to see if
the cert comes out what you are looking for before adding input in
the profile.
There is actually a bug in the GenericExtension area in regards to
setting critical to true. I have yet to check the fix into
Dogtag. Let me know if you do need that.
BTW, regarding userExtensionDefault, it can only be used if your
CSR has the wanted extension in the request already, so it's not
going to help you.
Hope this helps.
On 01/22/2014 02:41 AM, Sergio Pereira wrote:
> hi guys,
> I'm trying to create a certificate profile in a way to have at
> the end a certificate with a special attributes (supplied by the
> user through web enrollment form). I'm running dogtag 10.1 on
> Fedora 20...fresh install. I added a certificate profile using
> pkiconsole but I'm struggling in how to find the right Policies,
> Inputs and Outputs for the new profile. The OID I intent to write
> to it is the (country specific OID). Here is my
> profile's config file:
> auth.instance_id=
> desc=UserCNPJ
> enable=false
> enableBy=admin
> input.CNPJ.class_id=genericInputImpl
> input.CNPJ.name <
http://input.CNPJ.name>=Generic Input
> input.CNPJ.params.gi_display_name0=Cadastro Nacional Pessoa Juridica
> input.CNPJ.params.gi_display_name1=
> input.CNPJ.params.gi_display_name2=
> input.CNPJ.params.gi_display_name3=
> input.CNPJ.params.gi_display_name4=
> input.CNPJ.params.gi_param_enable0=true
> input.CNPJ.params.gi_param_enable1=false
> input.CNPJ.params.gi_param_enable2=false
> input.CNPJ.params.gi_param_enable3=false
> input.CNPJ.params.gi_param_enable4=false
> input.CNPJ.params.gi_param_name0=cnpj
> input.CNPJ.params.gi_param_name1=
> input.CNPJ.params.gi_param_name2=
> input.CNPJ.params.gi_param_name3=
> input.CNPJ.params.gi_param_name4=
> input.i1.class_id=keyGenInputImpl
> input.i1.name <
http://input.i1.name>=Key Generation Input
> input.i2.class_id=subjectNameInputImpl
> input.i2.name <
http://input.i2.name>=Subject Name Input
> input.i3.class_id=submitterInfoInputImpl
> input.i3.name <
http://input.i3.name>=Submitter Information Input
> input.list=i1,i2,i3,CNPJ
> input.params.gi_display_name0=Cadastro Nacional Pessoa Juridica
> input.params.gi_display_name1=
> input.params.gi_display_name2=
> input.params.gi_display_name3=
> input.params.gi_display_name4=
> input.params.gi_param_enable0=true
> input.params.gi_param_enable1=false
> input.params.gi_param_enable2=false
> input.params.gi_param_enable3=false
> input.params.gi_param_enable4=false
> input.params.gi_param_name0=cnpj
> input.params.gi_param_name1=
> input.params.gi_param_name2=
> input.params.gi_param_name3=
> input.params.gi_param_name4=
> lastModified=1390319210315
> name=UserCNPJ
> output.list=o1
> output.o1.class_id=certOutputImpl
> output.o1.name <
http://output.o1.name>=Certificate Output
> policyset.list=set1
> policyset.set1.list=p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p06
> policyset.set1.p06.constraint.class_id=noConstraintImpl
> policyset.set1.p06.constraint.name
> <
http://policyset.set1.p06.constraint.name>=No Constraint
> policyset.set1.p06.default.class_id=userExtensionDefaultImpl
> policyset.set1.p06.default.name
> <
http://policyset.set1.p06.default.name>=User Supplied Extension
> Default
> policyset.set1.p06.default.params.userExtOID=Comment Here...
> policyset.set1.p1.constraint.class_id=noConstraintImpl
> policyset.set1.p1.constraint.name
> <
http://policyset.set1.p1.constraint.name>=No Constraint
> policyset.set1.p1.default.class_id=userSubjectNameDefaultImpl
> policyset.set1.p1.default.name
> <
http://policyset.set1.p1.default.name>=User Supplied Subject
> Name Default
> policyset.set1.p2.constraint.class_id=noConstraintImpl
> policyset.set1.p2.constraint.name
> <
http://policyset.set1.p2.constraint.name>=No Constraint
> policyset.set1.p2.default.class_id=validityDefaultImpl
> policyset.set1.p2.default.name
> <
http://policyset.set1.p2.default.name>=Validity Default
> policyset.set1.p2.default.params.range=180
> policyset.set1.p2.default.params.startTime=0
> policyset.set1.p3.constraint.class_id=noConstraintImpl
> policyset.set1.p3.constraint.name
> <
http://policyset.set1.p3.constraint.name>=No Constraint
> policyset.set1.p3.default.class_id=userKeyDefaultImpl
> policyset.set1.p3.default.name
> <
http://policyset.set1.p3.default.name>=User Supplied Key Default
> policyset.set1.p3.default.params.keyMaxLength=4096
> policyset.set1.p3.default.params.keyMinLength=512
> policyset.set1.p3.default.params.keyType=RSA
> policyset.set1.p4.constraint.class_id=noConstraintImpl
> policyset.set1.p4.constraint.name
> <
http://policyset.set1.p4.constraint.name>=No Constraint
> policyset.set1.p4.default.class_id=signingAlgDefaultImpl
> policyset.set1.p4.default.name
> <
http://policyset.set1.p4.default.name>=Signing Algorithm Default
> policyset.set1.p4.default.params.signingAlg=-
> policyset.set1.p5.constraint.class_id=noConstraintImpl
> policyset.set1.p5.constraint.name
> <
http://policyset.set1.p5.constraint.name>=No Constraint
> policyset.set1.p5.default.class_id=keyUsageExtDefaultImpl
> policyset.set1.p5.default.name
> <
http://policyset.set1.p5.default.name>=Key Usage Extension Default
> policyset.set1.p5.default.params.keyUsageCritical=true
> policyset.set1.p5.default.params.keyUsageCrlSign=true
> policyset.set1.p5.default.params.keyUsageDataEncipherment=true
> policyset.set1.p5.default.params.keyUsageDecipherOnly=true
> policyset.set1.p5.default.params.keyUsageDigitalSignature=true
> policyset.set1.p5.default.params.keyUsageEncipherOnly=true
> policyset.set1.p5.default.params.keyUsageKeyAgreement=true
> policyset.set1.p5.default.params.keyUsageKeyCertSign=true
> policyset.set1.p5.default.params.keyUsageKeyEncipherment=true
> policyset.set1.p5.default.params.keyUsageNonRepudiation=true
> visible=true
> thx in advance,
> sergio
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