It's WORKS!!! Thanks.
When you do this, you might encounter error for which you want to
your /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates-testing.repo
In this file make sure to uncomment the "base...." and comment the
"mirrorlist....." for each section.
I didn't have that error :)
After you successfully install the pki-ca packages, you can proceed
pkicreate to create the ca instance. Just type the pkicreate and it
spits out the required parameters. I sue default value.
I could create pki-ca.
Let me know if you need more help. By the way, I have not created
yet; that's the next thing on my list.
I see only one mistake: new package pki-ca set /etc/init.d/pki-cad
scripts :) CAD! :)
Once again thanks a lot :)!!!
Rafal Kaminski