I'm trying to approve certificate requests by using curl as in
I manage to submit certificate requests by posting an xml request template,
I can retrieve the list of requests, the curl command for a review works
fine, but I'm stuck with approval by using curl (I can approve CSR with pki
tool but I still don't know do the same with curl).
BTW, here is my command for reviewing request:
curl -ks -X GET --cert-type P12 --cert ca_admin_cert.p12:<password>
https://dogtag.server:8443/ca/rest/agent/certrequests/08 --header
"Content-Type:application/xml" | xmllint --format -
Can someone tell me what's the correct curl command to approve cr? or is
there any example of request approval (with curl) somewhere? or even
something more detailed than
PS: I had a look at the JAVA API (
but it didn't help me so much.