What Dave said , but also we have another profile that is RSA for this:
Also, you can use the pki CLI issue a request against such a profile:
The following is approx set of commands to experiment with
RSA cert request
CRMFPopClient -d ~/.dogtag/nssdb/ -p password -o csr -a rsa -l 2048 -n
"UID=username" -f caEncUserCert -b transport.pem
transport.pem is the KRA's transport cert, which can be found in the CA's
Download the profile
pki cert-request-profile-show caUserCert --output testuser.xml
Edit testuser.xml to add the csr you just created.
cert_request= your csr
cert_request_type = crmf
Submit Request
pki cert-request-submit testuser.xml
Use the agent interface to approve the request.
More info:
From: "Dave Sirrine" <dsirrine(a)>
To: "Marcin Mierzejewski" <marcinmierzejewski1024(a)>
Cc: pki-users(a)
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 10:27:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Pki-users] Dogtag profile for encryption certificate with storing private
key in DRM/KRA
Not sure what exactly you're looking for here, but the beauty of profiles is
you can create your own. If the ECC profile works as you would expect, you
can always create a copy with a new name and change the appropriate lines. A
quick diff of the two profiles you mention shows that there's not a lot
that's different between the two:
diff caEncECUserCert.cfg caEncUserCert.cfg
< desc=This certificate profile is for enrolling user ECC encryption
certificates. It works only with latest Firefox.
> desc=This certificate profile is for enrolling user encryption certificates
> with option to archive keys.
< name=Manual User Encryption ECC Certificates Enrollment
> name=Manual User Encryption Certificates Enrollment
< input.list=i1
< input.i1.class_id=encKeyGenInputImpl
> input.list=i1,i2,i3
> input.i1.class_id=certReqInputImpl
> input.i2.class_id=subjectNameInputImpl
> input.i3.class_id=submitterInfoInputImpl
< policyset.encryptionCertSet.3.constraint.params.keyType=EC
> policyset.encryptionCertSet.3.constraint.params.keyType=RSA
> policyset.encryptionCertSet.3.constraint.params.keyParameters=1024,2048,3072,4096
In theory (I have not tested this) you should be able to change the lines for
'policyset.encryptionCertSet.3.constraint.params.keyType' and
'policyset.encryptionCertSet.3.constraint.params.keyParameters' to match the
caEncUserCert.cfg profile and keep everything else the same. If you have the
KRA installed and configured to work with your CA, the encryption keys
should automatically be archived in the KRA.
-- Dave
On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 10:36 AM, Marcin Mierzejewski <
marcinmierzejewski1024(a) > wrote:
there is a caEncECUserCert that works as I expect but generates Eliptic curve
certificate. Is there any eqiuvalent for RSA? And next question is: could I
use this profile to generate enduser certificate remote by calling REST
2015-10-13 15:51 GMT+02:00 Marcin Mierzejewski <
marcinmierzejewski1024(a) > :
Hi All,
What I want is simple profile for requesting encryption(not sign) personal
certificate that will private key be stored in KRA/DRM. I check existing
profiles and found profile that name and description meet the goals I want
to achieve.
this profile was not visible I change that. I opened this profile in end user
CA application
Certificate Profile - Manual User Encryption Certificates Enrollment
This certificate profile is for enrolling user encryption certificates with
option to archive keys. Certificate Request Input
* Certificate Request Type list ( pcks10 or crmf)
* Certificate Request (text area for request)
Subject Name
-fields with info about user(propably should be same values that were in
certificate request)
Requestor Information
- info about requestor
How it's possible to store private key without even sending it to CA? can be
private key enclosed into "Certificate Request"? If answer is no - as I
think why there is a "option to archieve keys"?
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