I've set up pki-ca, pki-ocsp, pki-ra and pki-kra.
However, it seems that pki-kra doesn't archive any keys.
I've tested it with the following profiles when issuing certificates:
Using the CA instance:
* caUserCert (Manual User Dual-Use Certificate Enrollment) - I know, it
won't work, it's Dual-Use, not Dual-Key. However, the protocol used is CRMF.
* caDirUserCert (Directory-Authenticated User Dual-Use Certificate
Enrollment) - another Dual-Use, not Dual-Key. But CRMF-based.
* caDualRAuserCert (RA Agent-Authenticated User Certificate Enrollment)
- they don't write what "Dual" means here. Is it Dual-Use too?
Using the RA instance:
* caDualRAuserCert (RA Agent-Authenticated User Certificate Enrollment)
- it has "Dual" in its name...
So it seems that there's potential confusion over which "Dual" is
implied in the profile names (does it correspond to key usage, or the
amount of keys?).
Based on my experiments, either all those profiles are single key, or my
client doesn't support dual key generation (it's Firefox 3 nightly build).
So the question is - what combination of certificate profiles and client
(web browser) versions allows for generating dual key certificates whose
keys will be correctly archived by KRA/DRM?
Best Regards,
Aleksander Adamowski
GG#: 274614
ICQ UIN: 19780575
Aleksander Adamowski
Administrator systemów korporacyjnych; Instruktor
Altkom Akademia S.A.
Warszawa, ul. Chłodna 51
tel. brak
kom. +48 601-318-080
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