HA! yep, re-requesting the cert using version 0.77.1 solved this... I can
request a cert and after a manual approval, I'm able to download and
monitor the cert. THANK YOU!
I'm also having another problem. When I try to use dogtag-submit like this:
*/usr/libexec/certmonger/dogtag-submit -E
https://dogtag.test.org:8443/ca/ee/ca> -A
https://dogtag.test.org:8443/ca/agent/ca> -T caAgentServerCert -i
/tmp/test/ca.crt -c /tmp/test/cert.pem -k /tmp/test/key.pem*
I get this:
*Request ID '20150404113812': status: CA_REJECTED ca-error:
Server at "https://dogtag.test.org:8443/ca/ee/ca/profileSubmit
https://dogtag.test.org:8443/ca/ee/ca/profileSubmit>" replied: Invalid
Credential. stuck: yes key pair storage:
type=FILE,location='/etc/ssl/get2cert.key' certificate:
type=FILE,location='/etc/ssl/get2cert.crt' CA: DogtagAuto
issuer: subject: expires: unknown pre-save
command: post-save command: track: yes auto-renew: yes*
however, when I use curl like this:
--pass password --cacert /tmp/test/ca.crt --key /tmp/test/key.pem --cert
I get a valid response.
*<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
CA,C=US,ST=Minnesota,L=Minneapolis,OU=r509 Intermediate CA,O=Test
*cert data........*
I'm using a cert and key extracted from the caadmin pkcs12 credentials. Can
you confirm this behavior in your test environment?
Thanks SO MUCH for your help,
On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 12:56 PM, Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin(a)redhat.com> wrote:
On Tue, Apr 07, 2015 at 12:18:24PM -0500, Steve Neuharth wrote:
> yes, the certificate in the request file has a newline after the
> certificate data:
> cert=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
> ...cert data...
> lRCw27w7Yw/JUMqJYoE=
> <---- extra newline
> Looks like that's the problem. When I make a similar request using cURL,
> don't get the '\n' in the xml so it must be an error in parsing the xml
> response inside dogtag-submit. I've also tried the v77.1-1 rpm from
> and I get the same behavior.
Hmm, I'm testing with 0.77.1 and pki-ca-9.0.3-38.el6_6 (you're on Fedora
IIRC, so it's not exactly the same, but I don't have an F21 box handy
ATM), and the data's getting cleaned before it's saved there.
Did you start with an older version and update after dogtag-submit had
finished its work? The newer daemon wouldn't have been in a position to
clean up the data it got from the helper in that case.