Hello Dogtag Users,
There is a little problem getting the TPS Services page to display
anything other than ERROR: Authentication Failure for Operator Services,
Agent Services and Administrator Services. It may happen with pki-ra but
I have not tested to this point, I would like to solve this one error at
a time.
The first time I set up the TPS I saw that it was failing because of a
wrong user, the logs displayed admin to access LDAP instead of the one I
wanted. After stopping all of the pki sub-systems I did a pkiremove of
the TPS sub-system. Then starting the other sub-systems I did a
pkicreate and started the configuration from my browser (Firefox 16.0.1
on OSX). Probably due to fat fingers or something I forget to change the
default "admin" to my particular user in one of the panes. However No
luck, I still get the Authentication Error in the browser but do not see
any complaints about admin authentication in the logs. Oh yes, I
restarted the TPS sub-system after configuration, twice.
The errors in the TPS logs are:
File does not exist: /var/lib/pki-tps/docroot/img ,this happens every
time I try to click on any of the 3 items in the list.
Searching I see /var/lib/pki-tps/docroot is there but no img directory.
and I also have been getting [error] Failed to authenticate request
Looking under pki-ra there is a docroot/images.
I did find a /usr/share/pki/tps/docroot but it also has no img directory.
There is a /usr/share/pki/tps-ui/docroot/tps/admin/console/img and it
has stuff in it (gifs and pngs).
One thing I noticed is that all the other sub-systems have their img
directories under the webapps directory, but not RA and TPS.
My setup
Fedora release 15 (Lovelock)
Kernel \r on an \m (\l)
pki-ca 9.0.7-1.fc15
pki-kra 9.0.3-1.fc15
pki-ocsp 9.0.2-1.fc15
pki-ra 9.0.2-1.fc15
pki-tks 9.0.2-1.fc15
pki-setup 9.0.7-1.fc15
pki-common 9.0.7-1.fc15
pki=console 9.0.2-1.fc15
pki-native-tools 9.0.7-1.fc15
pki-selinux 9.0.7-1.fc15
Admin & Console suite 1.2.1-2.fc15
DS_Base and Base-libs
DS-Console 1.2.5-1.fc15
389-dsgw 1.1.6-2.fc15
I have looked, but google IS NOT my friend this time.
Many thanks in advance.