On Fri, 2014-07-04 at 09:22 +0300, Timo Aaltonen wrote:
On 04.07.2014 09:19, Timo Aaltonen wrote:
> On 03.07.2014 23:31, Abha Jain wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I see that Doghat is supported on Fedora and RHEL. Is it possible to run
>> Doghat on Ubuntu host? Has anyone tried it and any thoughts on how to
>> make Doghat work on Ubuntu?
>> Thanks for your help!
> Hi,
> It's still work-in-progress, partly due to the recent switch of
> packaging over to 10.2~ which brought new unpackaged dependencies which
> need to be dealt with. I'm currently blocked on
> jackson-module-jaxb-annotations not building right, process-sources
> phase is not run for some reason..
> The ultimate goal is to get a working Freeipa server in the next Debian
> release, which will freeze in November.
Still too early in the morning to actually read the subject.. so this
will eventually be brought to Ubuntu too.
and actually, you should be able to run 10.1 now (pki-ca at least, don't
think the other subsystems work):
but don't expect to get any support for it :)
The Ubuntu build has undergone some very basic testing (ie. install a CA
and issue a cert) If you try it out and something does not work,
though, please let us know - ie. file a BZ, send a note to this list or
ping us on IRC. We definitely want to have it working on Debian/Ubuntu.