Hi, Is possible use this characteristic with DogTag Certificate System?
Graphometric Dynamic Signature (Advanced Electronic Signature)
Including in the document graphometric information captured during the signature execution
and embedding everything with digital signature.
More info here:
How Graphometric Signature and Verification is performed
When the user perform a Graphometric Signature the following information are captured:
* the image of the signature,
* the position and direction
* the pressure (1024 levels)
* the time
* the curvature
* the acceleration
During a Graphometric Signature the important element is not the graphical mage (like
during 2D normal ink signature) but the biometric characteristics of the image. Including
the time and the pressure, the x,y position the velocity and direction we can have spatial
dynamic information not available during a normal ink signature.
In the next picture you can see a normal ink signature in a 2Dimensional space and the
same signature in a 3Dimensional space including the time.
In fact " ONLY the the biometric information without the image of the signature
" are stored and are useful for matching a future signature. This allow more security
and dynamic verification
This is the typical verification process.
All these information will be included in the digital signature creating and Advanced
Electronic Signature.
Once the Advanced Electronic Signature using Biometrical information is bonded with the
document via a Digital Signature the final final receive the Persistent Security to allow
legal verification of authenticity, presence in time and Integrity as well as non