I've been looking into why on our production FreeIPA v4.5.4 installation, 'ipa
host-del --updatedns FQDN' operations take 2-5 minutes per host. While looking into
this I've discovered a variety of issues that I've fixed along the way. This
appears to be the last significant one that I'm unable to sort out.
During an IPA host deletion, it looks like FreeIPA has pki-tomcat revoke all issued
certificates for the host being deleted. In our setup, this results in ~10 seconds of
paginated LDAP searches to an VLV index per certificate. Typically, a host will have
around 5-7 certificates issued and active for it. From the 389-ds access logs, we see
entries like this:
and then in the pki-tomcat debug logs, there are corresponding by timestamp entries like
[04/Dec/2018:18:38:38][ajp-bio-]: getEntries: exception
[04/Dec/2018:18:38:38][ajp-bio-]: DBVirtualList: entries: 2000
[04/Dec/2018:18:38:38][ajp-bio-]: DBVirtualList.getPage(11995)
[04/Dec/2018:18:38:38][ajp-bio-]: DBVirtualList.getEntries()
Since the search result etime's according to LDAP are really quick (sub 0.0##
seconds), I think the easiest way to speed these up would be to increase the page size /
max request limit pki-tomcat is doing when it queries LDAP.
From my tracing through the code, I think that would involve setting
which might be used in:
Has anyone looked at this code path before? 2000 seems like a sane default but, we have
133,934+ entries and counting in our ou=certificateRepository,ou=ca,o=ipaca so, paging
through those results for each issued certificate takes a noticeable amount of time.
Of course, if any other information would help, let me know, more than happy to provide
Jared Ledvina