On 11/02/2014 09:09 AM, Dennis Gnatowski wrote:
What are the steps to integrate DogTag (Root) CA with an HSM? Does
this have to occur during installation?
I've successfully performed a general installation with CA keys in
software. I was then able to modify secmod.db to add the HSM library
and restart the system. I can both use command line utilities
(certutil) and GUI (pkiconsole) to create keys on the HSM. Re-keying
the caSigning certificate works but the CA certificate is issued
(issuer) by the original software-based issuer (therefore NOT a
self-signed CA cert!). So I assume this has to be done during initial
installation (custom install). But, how do I get the HSM PKCS#11
library added/included with the custom install?
Dennis Gnatowski
Pki-users mailing list
https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/pki-users Adding the PKCS #11 module to
secmod.db should happen after the
pkicreate and just before running the silent install or the web based
configuration wizard.
In Dogtag 10, when using pkispawn, you can split the install and config
steps in two using the flags pki_skip_configuration and