*does get a valid response while
using that file with the -C switch on dogtag-submit does not.
On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 3:47 PM, Steve Neuharth <steve(a)sylvation.com> wrote:
Thanks again for the information. I have a couple more questions for
first is that I have added a new 'Dogtag' ca in
however, when I run getcert list-cas, it does not appear
The next question is regarding the dogtag-submit helper itself. I'm trying
to execute this:
*/usr/libexec/certmonger/dogtag-submit -vv -c ~/test.crt -k ~/test.key -E
https://dogtag.test.org:8443/ca/ee/ca> -A
https://dogtag.test.org:8443/ca/agent/ca> -T caServerCert -d
/etc/httpd/alias -n caadmin -p /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias/pwdfile.txt -C
and then I paste in my csr and hit 'ctrl-d' and I get:
*code = 77code_text = "Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access
rights?)"results = "(null)"Error 77 connecting to
https://dogtag.test.org:8443/ca/ee/ca/profileSubmit>: Problem with the SSL
CA cert (path? access rights?).*
I guess I'm not sure what CA cert path it's talking about. I've tried the
pki-tomcat alias path and I've tried pointing to the CAcert that I
downloaded from the WebUI on the 'Import CA Certificate Chain' page but I
always get the same error.
Thanks for your help,
On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 4:43 PM, Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 01, 2015 at 03:37:58PM -0500, Steve Neuharth wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I have a requirement to provide a service to our internal linux systems
> to
> > allow them to self-register and receive a certificate representing the
> host
> > itself and then a cert representing any application on that host. I have
> > installed DogTag, it's up and running and seems to be working.
> >
> > I'd like to be able to use REST to request a certificate and have it
> > auto-signed. I know that DogTag has a REST interface and while the
> > interface is documented, there are no examples where I can see how it
> would
> > actually be used to post a CSR, fetch a cert, etc.
> >
> > Normally, I'd just sniff a request made with getcert but as I'm using
> just
> > dogtag as a standalone install and not as a part of FreeIPA, getcert
> has no
> > knowledge of my local DogTag CA:
> >
> > *[root@dogtag lib]# getcert list-casCA 'SelfSign': is-default:
> > no ca-type: INTERNAL:SELF next-serial-number: 01CA
> > 'IPA': is-default: no ca-type: EXTERNAL
> > helper-location: /usr/libexec/certmonger/ipa-submitCA 'certmaster':
> > is-default: no ca-type: EXTERNAL helper-location:
> > /usr/libexec/certmonger/certmaster-submitCA
> > 'dogtag-ipa-renew-agent': is-default: no ca-type:
> > EXTERNAL helper-location:
> > /usr/libexec/certmonger/dogtag-ipa-renew-agent-submitCA 'local':
> > is-default: no ca-type: EXTERNAL helper-location:
> > /usr/libexec/certmonger/local-submit*
> >
> > so... how do I make it aware? I'm using fedora21 so I'm at
> > certmonger-0.76.8-1.fc21 and don't have access to the add-ca subtask. It
> > looks like I'd edit files in /var/lib/certmonger/cas but I'm not sure
> what
> > to add.
> If you're after something you can use to poke at the server from the
> command line, the 'pki' tool from the 'pki-tools' package may be
> to what you're looking for.
> If not, well, here's more than you probably want to know.
> The CAs which certmonger knows about by default are the ones that don't
> require any additional configuration to be passed to them. For example,
> the ipa-submit helper can dig up all of the configuration that it needs
> from the IPA configuration files. Along similar lines, the
> dogtag-ipa-renew-agent-submit helper can dig through IPA's configuration
> for some settings, and have hardwired defaults for the rest.
> The general-purpose dogtag-submit helper doesn't have that expectation,
> and it hasn't seen much use yet, so you may find some bugs (well, more
> than usual). Anyway, a new file telling certmonger how to invoke it
> would look something like this:
> id=Dogtag
> ca_type=EXTERNAL
> ca_external_helper=/usr/libexec/certmonger/dogtag-submit ...
> The flags that would be passed to the dogtag-submit helper depend on
> whether or not it's expected to use agent creds to use Dogtag's agent
> services to approve the signing requests that it submits. Briefly:
> -T caServerCert
> The name of the Dogtag enrollment profile to use.
> -E
> The location of Dogtag's end-user service.
> -A
> The location of Dogtag's agent services, if agent creds will be used.
> -d /etc/httpd/alias -n ipaCert -p /etc/httpd/alias/pwdfile.txt
> The location of the agent creds, if agent creds will be used.
> Some words of caution: the helper doesn't use the new REST API, but
> rather the old forms-based one, due to a combination of wanting to
> remain compatible with older versions of Dogtag and wanting to avoid
> adding new dependencies to the server via the REST API.
> If you try to use agent creds to auto-approve things, but the enrollment
> profile doesn't provide defaults for every extension value that it
> populates, the logic in dogtag-submit that tries to use agent creds to
> approve requests won't be able to tell the server to just use the
> defaults, and things could go awry. The -O flag may help here.
> You may want to run dogtag-submit interactively to get the flags sorted
> out, passing in previous output using the -S flag to mimic the
> certmonger daemon running it iteratively.
> > I apologize in advance for the pedestrian questions. I have read the
> docs
> > and the getting started guide and while they provide examples for
> > self-signed certs and for using FreeIPA, I don't see much info on using
> > getcert with DogTag as a standalone product. I'd also like to explore
> using
> > SCEP for requesting certs from our MS PKI. Is there a guide or info
> setting
> > up certmonger/getcert to hit a SCEP URL?
> That functionality was new in 0.77, and I've just submitted a candidate
> update build for F21, so hopefully some will be available in the
> updates-testing tree this week. Anyway, the short version of how to use
> an SCEP server is:
> * Use "getcert add-scep-ca -u $URL -c $NAME" to point the service at
> your SCEP server's URL and give the CA a nickname.
> * If it's an HTTPS URL, use the -R flag to point it to a PEM-formatted
> copy of the CA's certificate. If not, use "getcert list" and
> "getcert list-cas" to display request and certificate fingerprints
> for manual verification.
> * Use "getcert -c $NAME" to request a certificate.
> * Use the -L or -l flag to supply the enrollment PIN or point to a
> file that contains the enrollment PIN.
> A lot of the logic for supporting SCEP is new, so if you run into
> problems in that area, please make sure to let us know.
> HTH,
> Nalin