All it seems to be doing is adding the PKCS11 library to the
secmod.db for the new instance it is creating - something one
can do manually even after the instance has been created.
You do have to restart the service so the servlet sees the new
module in secmod.db, but I don't think it does anything else.
Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.
P.S. How I miss the old Java installation wizard CS had; it
was simple, elegant and allowed for significant configuration
in the wizard. You could have an instance of a CA up and
running in less than 5 minutes. Between rpm, perl scripts,
HTML and servlets, the new installation process appears to
have made installation one of the most complex parts of
setting up a DogTag PKI. What a pity.
Michael StJohns wrote:
On 4/27/2010 10:41 PM, Arshad Noor wrote:
> Appreciate everything you're mentioning about this, Mike; can you
> clarify one last item?
> What do you mean by the following statement? Thanks.
> Arshad Noor
> StrongAuth, Inc.
> Michael StJohns wrote:
>> Add utimaco to the pkicreate script in /usr/bin
Find the sections where nFast and Luna are added to the module by
pkicreate - add similar language for Utimaco.