[pki-devel][Patch] 0013-Initial-enrollment-progress.patch
by John Magne
Initial enrollment operation progress.
1. Changed the names of some message classes for convenience.
2. Did some minor refactoring of methods needed by both the enroll and tps processor.
3. Created classes to handle the parsing and archival of PKCS#11 token data.
4. Created prep code for enrollment that reads in a bunch of config params and creates
convenience objects to carry the data instead of the lengthy parameter lists we have had before.
10 years, 8 months
[PATCH] pki-cfu-0009-TPS-Token-Profile-Resolver-Plugin-Framework-Ticket-4.patch
by Christina Fu
This patch implements a Token Profile Resolver Plugin Framework for
TPS. It allows a site to implement its own token profile resolver.
The TokenProfileResolverManager initializes the token Resolver plugin
framework from the following configuration files:
- <instance patch>/conf/registry.cfg
- <instance patch>/conf/CS.cfg
The existing mapping method "getTokenType" was extracted into the
default plugin code: MappingTokenProfileResolver. All resolver plugin
codes will extend from BaseTokenProfileResolver.
The most visible change from sites running previous versions of TPS is
that the mapping related config params
e.g. op.format.mapping.xxx
have now being extracted into token resolver instance params
e.g. tokenProfileResolver.formatMappingResolver.mapping.xxxx
where "class_id" defines the plugin implementation name defined in the
and op.format.tokenProfileResolver points to the defined resolver instance
e.g. op.format.tokenProfileResolver=formatMappingResolver
A separate ticket will be filed to provide actual plugin writing
instruction as well as a sample plugin.
Finally, even though this patch does not directly address
https://fedorahosted.org/pki/ticket/447 RFE: Mapping tokens to
tokentype, where the request was to figure out the tokenType (Token
profile) by uid instead of the current mapping method, it provides the
means for one to write any customized plugins.
10 years, 8 months
[PATCH] 95 Fixes for comments for patches 92-2, 93, 94(CertClient and ProfileClient python implementations)
by Abhishek Koneru
Please review the patch which addresses the review comments given by Ade
and Fraser for patches 92-2, 93, 94.
92-2 has been checked in already. 94 has been rebased to fix conflicts
with Ade's checkins. I removed the changes to account.py and client.py
form 94 to fix the conflicts.
So update the master and apply patches 93, 94, 95.
Following are the review comments addressed in this patch -
** No. 4 in the list is not included in this patch. It will be done in a
separate patch.
1) Copy pasta error in ProfileData.from_json; ``policy_sets`` used
instead of ``inputs``/``outputs`` when processing
json_value['Input'] or json_value['Output'] lists.
2) Could you please make ProfileDataInfoCollection an iterable? It
doesn't make sense to be to have to access the ``profile_data_list``
attribute just to iterate the ProfileDataInfo objects.
3) Could you please add a ``repr`` method to ProfileData that
includes at least the profile_id? Maybe summary information about
whether it is visible/active as well, but I think just the ID should
be fine. Same goes for other classes that show up in lists, please.
4) I'm a little concerned about having the properties set/get
top-level attributes, e.g. ``enabled_by`` sets/gets ``enabledBy``.
Following this pattern where you wish to use the same name as in the
JSON would result in infinite loop; indeed you do treat some keys
different to avoid this, e.g. ``description``. This inconsistency
makes me wonder if there's a better pattern.
My suggestion would be to stash the JSON dict in a top-level
attribute (the constructor would have to initialise it to an empty
dict before other attributes are assigned) and then have the
properties set/get items in that dict.
You could further cut down boilerplate and duplication by definite a
descriptor for this purpose, e.g.:
class JSONProperty(object):
def __init__(self, attr):
def __get__(self, instance, owner)
return obj.json_value[self.attr]
def __set__(self, instance, value)
obj.json_value[self.attr] = value
Then, most of the assignments in ``from_json`` go away , and
the corresponding property declarations follow the new pattern:
enabled_by = JSONProperty('enabledBy')
You would still need to treat Input, Output and PolicySets
differently, but you could also abstract over this pattern with yet
another class, i.e. a "JSON list property".
Anyhow, 4) isn't a show-stopper, just a (lengthy) nit-pick.
*** Will fix this in a separate patch.
5. Here you could iterate the (key, value) pairs to save keystrokes and
a bit of CPU doing ``cert_search_params[param]`` in all those places
below. e.g.:
for param, value in cert_search_params.viewitems():
``dict.viewitems()`` returns a *dictview* iterator-like object that
avoids creating an intermediate list as ``dict.items()`` would.
6. Here and in a few other places below it might improve readability to
test for set membership, e.g.:
if param in {
'email', 'common_name', 'user'_id', 'org_unit',
'org', ...
7. pycharm appears to be set to 120 columns width by default. We need
to set to 80 and reformat accordingly. Please check in a pycharm
settings file. All new code should follow PEP8.
8. In CertRevokeRequest, a number of constants are defined for possible
reason settings. You should group those, and test for invalid reasons.
9. Do we use CertID anywhere? --- Removed CertID
10. list_entrollment_templates has a print r statement in it. Is that
supposed to be there?
11. get_enrollment_template should check for None for the profileID.
12. CertRequestInfoCollection has an element - cert_info_list, should
13. ProfileConstraint -- why is id renamed to name? Why not just use
-- pycharm and pylint throw a warning when using id as an attribute name
-- Abhishek
10 years, 8 months
patches for pycharm cleanup and security domain python client api
by Ade Lee
This is mostly the same patches that were reviewed before with fixes for
the issues identified. I ended up making these changes over Abhishek's
first cert patch, so please apply that first when reviewing.
This patch is:
05e9fa7 Implemented CertResource methods in CertClient.
Please review,
10 years, 9 months
profile constraint being replaced with NoConstraint
by Fraser Tweedale
Hi all,
I've been chipping away at the profile changes required for
I've encountered a problem where the EKU extension constraint is
being replaced by NoConstraint for validation. The profile does
read the constraint correctly, i.e. it appears in the "Manage
Certificate Profiles" table in the web UI, but when it comes to
performing the validation, it is instead using
I am using a modified caServerCert profile; the only changed part
policyset.serverCertSet.7.constraint.name=Extended Key Usage Extension
policyset.serverCertSet.7.default.name=Extended Key Usage Extension Default
(This change was made to the caServerCert profile).
This is occurring on master (989e5d3). A minimal patch that adds
the logging which demonstrates this behaviour (for me) is attached.
Any help in understanding this behaviour is appreciated :)
10 years, 9 months
[PATCH] 94 Initial patch with implementation for ProfileClient
by Abhishek Koneru
Please review the attached patch with the implementation of
The following methods are implemented in this patch -
list_profiles - Returns a list of profiles.
get_profile - Retrieves information of a profile.
enable_profile - Enables a profile
disable_profile - disables a profile.
Also includes some cosmetic changes account.py and client.py.
10 years, 9 months
[PATCH] 93 Add methods for CertRequestResource to CertClient in the python client
by Abhishek Koneru
Please review the attached patch which adds methods to deal with the
CertRequest resource in CertClient on the python side.
These methods provide functionality like -
-Fetching the enrollment templates.
-Creating an enrollment request from a dictionary of input key-value
-Submitting an enrollment request.
-Reviewing the request.
-Performing an action on a request(approve/reject/cancel/etc.)
Also defined all the classes needed for data representation.
10 years, 9 months