On 01/19/2012 12:45 PM, Adam Young wrote:
On 01/19/2012 02:03 PM, Christina wrote:
> forgive me as this is my first checkin using git. Something
> unexpected happened.
> I was on the master branch and when ready I did "git push" and it
> unexpectedly told me the following:
> Counting objects: 50, done.
> Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
> Compressing objects: 100% (23/23), done.
> Writing objects: 100% (28/28), 2.89 KiB, done.
> Total 28 (delta 19), reused 0 (delta 0)
> To
> 5bf257b..5314d04 DOGTAG_9_BRANCH -> DOGTAG_9_BRANCH
> I did happen to have worked on DOGTAG_9_BRANCH as well but I did not
> expect it to be pushed as I was on the master at the time, although I
> was getting it ready as well. I just did not expect it to be pushed.
> So does git push push everything even though you are not on that
> branch at the moment?
> Now I see something called Merge branch 'DOGTAG_9_BRANCH' of
> ssh://git.fedorahoste..
> being pushed onto DOGTAG_9_BRANCH. Is it supposed to be?
I find it essential to control exactly which branch I push from and
to. So what you want to do is
git push <remote> <localbranch>:<remotebranch>
Git push with no arguments...I have nevere done that so I can't say,
but I suspect it pushes for each of you local tracking branches, so it
depends on how you made the branch in the first place.
Yes, it pushes anything that
is pending on all local tracking branch.
What you want to do on DOGTAG_9_BRANCH is create a revert commit,
that undoes the last commit, and then push that to the
There is some discussion about merges versus rebases, but I think the
teams (IPA, DS and now CS) all want to go with the rebase approach.
So before you push changes to DOGTAG_9_BRANCH you should do
Yes, rebasing is
git checkout DOGTAG_9_BRANCH
git fetch
git rebase DOGTAG_9_BRANCH
I like doing it as specific steps as I understand what each step is doing.
checkout makes sure I am in the right local branch.
git fetch pulls the changes down from the central repo to my local
repo but makes *NO* changes to my local branch
git rebase only makes the changes, and will warn if there are any
errors. ONce that is done, you will be able to push using
You probably shouldn't be pushing to master, unless you are working
with Ade and Endi on some issue.
I don't think that this is correct. There is
functionality and critical
bug fixing going on in the Dogtag 9 branch that we definitely want to
get into master. It needs to get there somehow. Of course there may be
work that is not needed on master due to refactoring, but that needs to
be determined on a patch-by-patch basis.
If the concern is changes causing rebase headaches for Endi and Ade,
then we could use a gatekeeper approach, but I haven't seen the need for
> thanks,
> Christina
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