On 2/28/2012 4:58 PM, John Magne wrote:
Was able to apply the patch and run a CA with the setting present:
Then observed the "getPID" function working correctly in the debugger.
Also observed the new shutdown function being called when shutting down the CA.
One quick question about the "pkicreate" portion:
I noticed that since all subsystems are now going to use the pidDir setting,
there was a TPS special case setting of the pidDir related variable moved
to a place where all subsystems will pick up the code.
The question is, since originally this was supposed to be only for RA and TPS,
why was there not evidence of the line being moved out of the RA section?
Perhaps we were not actually supporting this previously.
The PKI_PIDDIR is actually used by RA and TPS in the registry_instance
script, not in CS.cfg. We don't really need it CS.cfg, but I added it
there for consistency and in case we need it in the future.
Anyway, if that one thing is normal,
Thanks. Pushed to master.
Endi S. Dewata