Git svn checkout
by Adam Young
If you follow my slides: you will have trouble committing.
I was able to commit to the svn repo using the following command:
git svn dcommit --commit-url
Where $FEDORAUSER for me is admiyo
I think that the right approach is to do the original clone using the
svn+ssh URL:
git svn clone ssh://$
--prefix svn/ --stdlayout
I am doing a clone right now, and I will test with my next commit.
13 years, 3 months
Jersey REST API and dependencies
by Adam Young
Jersey is the REeference implementaion of JAX-RS specifically for build
RESTful web services.
The Code can be downloaded directly from here.
Source is available in the Maven repository:
The Jersey implementation brings along the following libraries which
would need to be packaged for Fedora:
asm-3.1.jar jackson-xc-1.8.3.jar
jackson-core-asl-1.8.3.jar jersey-client-1.9.1.jar jettison-1.1.jar
jackson-jaxrs-1.8.3.jar jersey-core-1.9.1.jar
jackson-mapper-asl-1.8.3.jar jersey-json-1.9.1.jar
Fedora currently has asm2.
Fedora currently has jettison-1.3
Jackson is built out of a single RPM. There is an older version in
JPackage that we will have to update.
jsr311 API is also in the Repo. All of these are GPL +classpath
exception or CDDL
13 years, 3 months