----- Original Message -----
You've done a nice job on the Java support. I know of no other
system that works so cleanly for both Java and other native compilers.
The fact that it works so well with the dependencies from Fedora put
a notch above Maven in my book.
Hi Adam,
thank for the flowers :)
You might not find any performance difference. Javac is actually
good at determining what needs to be rebuilt. Ant and Maven both
delegate this to javac. I built a Makefile long ago that attempted to
determin the dependncies automatically based on imports. When I
stopped, and just let javac do the hard work, it decreased our build
time by an order of magnatidue. I don't find that the Java builds are
that slow in PKI, but I haven't looked in to what CMake actually puts
into the Makefiles.
add_jar probably should be extended to allow the other Java archive
names like .war, .ear and .sar.
Added and pushed for staging. You can do now:
add_jar(foobar.java ldapjdk.jar)
The more feedback I get before the release the more I can add and fix :)
I notice that the paths to search for Jar files is duplicated
the pki CMakeLists.txt
Is this one of the things the find_jar simplifies?
Yes, it is. It is already looking in default path, you can add more and
it has version support.
name | NAMES name1 [name2 ...]
[PATHS path1 [path2 ... ENV var]]
[VERSIONS version1 [version2]]
[DOC "cache documentation string"]
The name of the full path to a file that is searched for is specified
by the names listed after NAMES argument. Additional search locations
can be specified after the PATHS argument. If you require special a
version of a jar file you can specify it with the VERSIONS argument.
The argument after DOC will be used for the documentation string in
the cache.
So the line above would be:
find_jar(LDAPJDK_JAR ldapjdk)
and could be
-- andreas
Andreas Schneider GPG-ID: 8B7EB4B8
Red Hat asn(a)redhat.com
Samba Team asn(a)samba.org