Apply patches in order.
This adds the selinux policy which is likely to be added to the system
policy for all subsystems. Please try it out in permissive mode and
note any avcs generated.
Also includes:
- required code to get ra and tps instances started.
- cleanup code for pid file management for the java subsystems
1. On f18, everything works as expected.
2. On f17, there are two issues
a) the needed selinux-policy has been built in koji but is not in
updates yet. I will bug mgrepl about this in the morning.
b) the pid file fixes will break java subsystem startup because of a bug
in tomcat.
I will be pushing for this to be fixed asap. In the meantime, you will
need to modify /usr/sbin/tomcat-sysd and replace
export CATALINA_PID="/var/run/${NAME}.pid"
export CATALINA_PID="${CATALINA_PID:-/var/run/${NAME}.pid}"