On 04/17/14 09:44, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:
On 4/16/2014 9:23 PM, Matthew Harmsen wrote:
> This patch addresses the following two tickets:
> * PKI TRAC Ticket #843 - Incorrect CLI argument parsing
> <
> * PKI TRAC Ticket #918 - CLI commands does not return code '1' for the
> failures <
> This patch was tested on a Fedora 20 machine using code from the
> 'master' branch via the attached shell script called /*pkiclihelp*/.
> I would like to check this developer's tool into the 'pki/base/scripts/'
> directory for future use.
Yes, probably QE can use this tool as well. What is the difference
between pki/scripts and pki/base/scripts?
We used to have similar directories (e. g. -
*'pki/dogtag/scripts'*and*'pki/redhat/scripts'*associated with the
Dogtag and Red Hat themes respectively) which housed scripts primarily
used for the legacy method of building individual RPMS and SRPMS (e. g.
- */pki-ca/* RPM and /*pki-ca*/ SRPM as opposed to /*pki-ca*/ RPM and
/*pki-core*/ SRPM). This separation allowed theme packages and their
icons to reside in separate repositories and still be built utilizing
the same core server/client pieces, as at that time, at least one theme
was required and the themes were mutually exclusive.
Since we do not really ship any devel packages, the scripts under
*'pki/base/scripts'* were just meant for un-packaged development tools
related to the core server/client pieces - similar to the *'pki/tools'
*directory which was created at a later date to house development tools
which were not scripts.
Since Dogtag 10.x builds individual SRPMS which often contain numerous
RPMS, the '*pki/scripts/'* directory houses scripts used for building
these and pertain to the PKI project as well as its default Dogtag theme.
For now, I will check the '/*pkiclihelp'*/ script into the
*'pki/base/scripts'* directory, but it may make sense to re-organize and
consolidate some of these directories in the future.
-- Matt
> Screen output is present in the attachment called
> /*pkiclihelp_terminal_display*/.
> The log file produced is present in the attachment called
> /*pki_cli_help.log*/.
> Please review this patch.
> Thanks,
> -- Matt