See inline below:
On Thu, 2014-02-13 at 11:42 -0600, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:
On 2/12/2014 2:41 PM, Ade Lee wrote:
> Hi all,
> Attached is a patch with some initial work for the Python client
> library, specifically focused on the interactions between the DRM and
> the python client, and the functionality exposed in the
> KeyRequestResource and KeyResource REST APIs.
> The easiest way to see this code in action is to run the main function
> in the KRAClient module. I usually run this in Eclipse.
> You will need to set up a few things first though:
> 1. Install a CA/KRA. It this is not on the default ports, you will
> need to modify the connection information in KRAClient.__main__
> 2. The python code uses python-requests to talk to the server, and
> requests uses openssl. That means you need to export your DRM admin
> cert to a PEM file, so that it can be used for client auth. I did this
> as follows:
> openssl pkcs12 -in ~/.dogtag/pki-tomcat/ca_admin_cert.p12 -out temp4.pem -nodes
> Without any changes, the code in KRAClient.__main__ assumes this file
> will be in /tmp/temp4.pem.
> 3. We do some crypto functions using NSS commands (like generating a
> symmetric key or wrapping using the transport cert). Therefore, we need
> to create an NSS database and populate it with the transport cert. The
> code expects it to be at /tmp/drmtest/certdb
> I did this as follows:
> mkdir /tmp/drmtest/certdb
> certutil -N -d /tmp/drmtest/certdb
> chmod +r /tmp/drmtest/certdb/*
> certutil -L -d /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/alias/ -n "transportCert cert-pki-tomcat
KRA" -a > transport_cert.txt
> certutil -A -d /tmp/drmtest/certdb/ -n "kra transport cert" -i
./transport_cert.txt -a -t "u,u,u"
> 4. Then just run kraclient.__main__ with no arguments.
> The story is still somewhat incomplete, but its a lot of code - so I
> want to start getting some eyes on this.
> Here is what I plan to add in subsequent patches:
> 1. Extract the NSS functionality into a separate module, and
> import that module only if python-nss is actually installed. Similarly,
> only define those functions that need nss if python-nss is installed.
> The idea here is that the client library does not necessarily require
> NSS. If NSS (and python-nss) is not installed, then the client needs to
> provide things like symmetric keys and wrapping etc.
> This will almost certainly be the case for Barbican, where they will
> generate their own keys, and do their own wrapping.
> 2. Complete the generate_pki_archive_options() function, and then test
> archival.
> 3. Add logic to handle exceptions. This will almost certainly take the
> form of decorator classes that handle the various exceptions and return
> codes expected.
> 4. The new modules pass most of the PEP8 conventions as detected by
> pylint. One thing that pylint does not like is having attribute names
> that are camelCased. The reason those are there is because they
> represent the actual names/attributes as passed over in JSON by the
> server. We populate the relevant objects by doing something like this:
> def from_dict(self, attr_list):
> ''' Return KeyInfo from JSON dict '''
> for key in attr_list:
> setattr(self, key, attr_list[key])
> return self
> I plan to add a small conversion function that convert camelCased
> attribute names to camel_cased to conform with PEP8.
> Please review,
> Ade
Some comments:
1. The 'created' date in should be updated.
Done - also added a note that the implementation in is
incomplete and needs to be tested.
2. The CertId.__init__() doesn't parse the hex number.
Will be fixed in subsequent patch.
3. To be consistent with the Java API, all from_dict() methods
should be a @staticmethod or @classmethod.
4. To be consistent the decode_from_json() can be called from_json().
there any difference between this method and from_dict()?
5. The CertResource should be called CertClient for consistency with
Java API. Same thing with KeyResource and KeyRequestResource. The
*Resource classes in Java are internal implementation. The classes
actually exposed to the client applications are the *Client classes.
6. The following line is executed each time getCert() is called:
e.TYPES['CertData'] = CertData()
It should be executed just once. See
7. The TYPES list in #6 holds references to classes, not instances.
is probably related to #3 as well.
8. The listCerts() should have passed the status as a query
Will be fixed in subsequent patch when certs are addressed.
9. As in #6, the following line in searchCerts() should be executed
e.TYPES['CertSearchRequest'] = CertSearchRequest
10. I have not tested the code, but searchCerts() doesn't seem to
with the new Jackson-style JSON format. See
Will be fixed in subsequent patch when is fixed.
11. The get_transport_cert() is defined in CertResource. In the Java
getTransportCert() is defined in SystemCertResource and used by
KRAClient. There's no SystemCertClient yet, but this method should be
defined there.
12. KeyRequestResponse.decode_from_json() does not populate keyData
13. As in #6, in KeyResource.retrieve_key() the e.NOTYPES
should only be executed once.
14. The's main program is a sample of a client application
the Python library, but it does the e.NOTYPES registrations. Although
the registrations are only executed once, any client application should
not need to do these registrations. The Python library itself should do
the registrations automatically. See
15. It would be better to move the main programs in these Python
into a separate test folder because they become functional tests and
contain hard-coded test configuration (e.g. hostname, port, path,
request ID, client ID). Please include the instruction to setup the test
environment as mentioned in the above email.
Done - put into kra/functional/ and added drmtest.readme.txt.
Also changed the name of and its readme to We will remove these files as soon as we have
extracted all the useful code out of them.
16. From client application's perspective, it would be better if
kraclient.generate_sym_key() can take a list of usages, instead of
requiring the client app to join the usages manually.
17. Ideally the Key/KeyRequest-specific methods in KRAClient should
moved into KeyClient/KeyRequestClient classes to avoid cluttering up the
KRAClient class. In the Java client library user-specific methods are
grouped into UserClient under KRAClient.
18. Instead of adding barbican_encode() which basically wraps
generate_sym_key(), the KeyRequestResponse could provide get_key_id()
which will get the key ID from the requestInfo so the client app can
call generate_sym_key() directly:
response = kraclient.generate_sym_key(...)
key_id = response.get_key_id()
19. Instead of adding barbican_decode(), the KRAClient could provide
more generic method that can be used by other client applications.
Something like this:
class KRAClient(object):
def retrieve_key(self, key_id):
response = request_recovery(key_id)
transport_cert = get_transport_cert()
session_key = generate_session_key(...)
wrapped_session_key = wrap_session_key(...)
request = KeyRecoveryRequest(key_id, ...)
response = key_client.retrieve_key(request)
return unwrap_key(response.wrappedPrivateData, ...))
Client apps such as Barbican would be able to subclass and override the
generate_session_key() to provide its own key, possibly using other
crypto library.
OK - there have been a bunch of changes to address this. I have also
extracted the crypto functionality. See the commit message.
Attached is a new patch. Please apply this on top of the previous