This newer patch added the getInt() and getString() methods per
suggestion of Jack.
Please review.
On 06/02/2014 11:14 AM, Christina Fu wrote:
Thanks for the review comments. Attached please find the new patch
that addressed your comments, both on-line and off-line.
On 05/30/2014 05:06 PM, John Magne wrote:
> Couple of initial comments on this after looking over it:
> 1.
> Your TokenProfileParams class has this hash map.
> private HashMap<String, Object> content = new HashMap<String, Object>();
> Then when we add items and get items from this thing, we have to do
> some fancy
> footwork to account for the fact that the "Object" part is holding
> either a String
> value or an int value.
> My opinion after doing some research is that this is kind of awkward.
> A couple of possible solutions:
> 1. Have the HashMap hold <String,String>.
> When we want an int we just convert back and forth from string.
> This is done often when processing http name value pairs and such.
> 2. Instead of relying upon the "get" method of the hash map to
> return
> encoded values, maybe have the parent object "TokenProfileParams"
> have two
> separate methods getString() and getInt(). Each one would take the
> key name
> and output the proper value, int or String
> 2. We have the following abstract base class:
> public abstract class BaseTokenProfileResolver
> The abstract class sounds like a good way to have some base
> functionality to be used by derived classes.
> I also believe that the idea is to declare some abstract methods that
> forces derived classes to implement
> these methods.
> In this case it sounds like the following method would be a good
> candidate for abstract:
> public String getTokenType(TokenProfileParams pPram);
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Christina Fu" <cfu(a)>
>> To: pki-devel(a)
>> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2014 3:07:56 PM
>> Subject: [Pki-devel] [PATCH]
>> pki-cfu-0009-TPS-Token-Profile-Resolver-Plugin-Framework-Ticket-4.patch
>> This patch implements a Token Profile Resolver Plugin Framework for
>> TPS. It allows a site to implement its own token profile resolver.
>> The TokenProfileResolverManager initializes the token Resolver plugin
>> framework from the following configuration files:
>> - <instance patch>/conf/registry.cfg
>> - <instance patch>/conf/CS.cfg
>> The existing mapping method "getTokenType" was extracted into the
>> default plugin code: MappingTokenProfileResolver. All resolver plugin
>> codes will extend from BaseTokenProfileResolver.
>> The most visible change from sites running previous versions of TPS is
>> that the mapping related config params
>> e.g.
>> have now being extracted into token resolver instance params
>> e.g. tokenProfileResolver.formatMappingResolver.mapping.xxxx
>> where "class_id" defines the plugin implementation name defined
>> in the
>> registry.cfg
>> and op.format.tokenProfileResolver points to the defined resolver
>> instance
>> e.g. op.format.tokenProfileResolver=formatMappingResolver
>> A separate ticket will be filed to provide actual plugin writing
>> instruction as well as a sample plugin.
>> Finally, even though this patch does not directly address
>> RFE: Mapping tokens to
>> tokentype, where the request was to figure out the tokenType (Token
>> profile) by uid instead of the current mapping method, it provides the
>> means for one to write any customized plugins.
>> thanks,
>> Christina
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