pushed to master
commit 8f6103382199357ede73c02e355a09bcf7e41b8d
In case Endi has more to add, I'm attaching the latest patch checked in
and keeping the ticket open.
On 06/02/2014 01:52 PM, John Magne wrote:
This looks good. Just one thing to fix in my opinion before submitting and or edewata
wants to have a look too.
The method:
protected String resolveTokenProfile(String resolverInstName, String cuid, String msn,
byte major_version,
Reads in a bunch of params and catches any exception and then forces the returned token
type to be "userKey".
I think that maybe if the admin is trying to get a certain result and then the code
silently moves on with "userKey",
it might be confusing. It seems to be ok to simply throw the exception there and they can
debug it and get it correctly set.
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Christina Fu" <cfu(a)redhat.com>
> To: pki-devel(a)redhat.com
> Sent: Monday, June 2, 2014 12:20:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [Pki-devel]
[PATCH] pki-cfu-0009-TPS-Token-Profile-Resolver-Plugin-Framework-Ticket-4.patch
> This newer patch added the getInt() and getString() methods per suggestion of
> Jack.
> Please review.
> thanks,
> Christina
> On 06/02/2014 11:14 AM, Christina Fu wrote:
> Jack,
> Thanks for the review comments. Attached please find the new patch that
> addressed your comments, both on-line and off-line.
> Christina
> On 05/30/2014 05:06 PM, John Magne wrote:
> Couple of initial comments on this after looking over it:
> 1.
> Your TokenProfileParams class has this hash map.
> private HashMap<String, Object> content = new HashMap<String, Object>();
> Then when we add items and get items from this thing, we have to do some
> fancy
> footwork to account for the fact that the "Object" part is holding either
> String
> value or an int value.
> My opinion after doing some research is that this is kind of awkward.
> A couple of possible solutions:
> 1. Have the HashMap hold <String,String>.
> When we want an int we just convert back and forth from string.
> This is done often when processing http name value pairs and such.
> 2. Instead of relying upon the "get" method of the hash map to return
> encoded values, maybe have the parent object "TokenProfileParams" have two
> separate methods getString() and getInt(). Each one would take the key name
> and output the proper value, int or String
> 2. We have the following abstract base class:
> public abstract class BaseTokenProfileResolver
> The abstract class sounds like a good way to have some base functionality to
> be used by derived classes.
> I also believe that the idea is to declare some abstract methods that forces
> derived classes to implement
> these methods.
> In this case it sounds like the following method would be a good candidate
> for abstract:
> public String getTokenType(TokenProfileParams pPram);
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Christina Fu" <cfu(a)redhat.com>
> To: pki-devel(a)redhat.com
> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2014 3:07:56 PM
> Subject: [Pki-devel] [PATCH]
> pki-cfu-0009-TPS-Token-Profile-Resolver-Plugin-Framework-Ticket-4.patch
> This patch implements a Token Profile Resolver Plugin Framework for
> TPS. It allows a site to implement its own token profile resolver.
> The TokenProfileResolverManager initializes the token Resolver plugin
> framework from the following configuration files:
> - <instance patch>/conf/registry.cfg
> - <instance patch>/conf/CS.cfg
> The existing mapping method "getTokenType" was extracted into the
> default plugin code: MappingTokenProfileResolver. All resolver plugin
> codes will extend from BaseTokenProfileResolver.
> The most visible change from sites running previous versions of TPS is
> that the mapping related config params
> e.g. op.format.mapping.xxx
> have now being extracted into token resolver instance params
> e.g. tokenProfileResolver.formatMappingResolver.mapping.xxxx
> where "class_id" defines the plugin implementation name defined in the
> registry.cfg
> and op.format.tokenProfileResolver points to the defined resolver instance
> e.g. op.format.tokenProfileResolver=formatMappingResolver
> A separate ticket will be filed to provide actual plugin writing
> instruction as well as a sample plugin.
> Finally, even though this patch does not directly address
https://fedorahosted.org/pki/ticket/447 RFE: Mapping tokens to
> tokentype, where the request was to figure out the tokenType (Token
> profile) by uid instead of the current mapping method, it provides the
> means for one to write any customized plugins.
> thanks,
> Christina
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