On 7/24/2012 4:05 PM, Abhishek Koneru wrote:
Please review the patch with implementations for review and approval
a cert request using CLI.
I have not been able to run it successfully since I'm still working on
auth, but I have some comments below. I'll test this once I have a
working environment.
1. The CertRequestApproveCLI.printHelp() generates a message like this:
usage: cert -U <uri> -d <Certificate database directory>
-w <password> -n <cert> request-approve <request id>
The command name is split into "cert ... request-approve". It's supposed
to show "cert-request-approve". Also it's not necessary to show the -U,
-d, -w, -n options because they are part of the MainCLI's options. You
can view those options by executing "pki" without any parameters.
2. Same as #1 for CertRequestReviewCLI.printHelp().
3. In CAEnrollProfile.java there are some "Check Point <n>" debug
messages. I'd say we should either replace them with messages that
explain what the code is doing or just remove them.
4. In CertRequestResource.java the MediaType.TEXT_XML is actually not
needed. We should use MediaType.APPLICATION_XML for XML content type.
5. The CertRequestResourceService.assignRequest() returns an empty
CertRequestInfos. It doesn't seem to be necessary, but I haven't tested it.
6. In CertRequestResourceService.java:163 the original exception should
be attached to the new exception as follows:
throw new CMSException("Problem approving request in CertRequestRes
urce.assignRequest!", e);
7. In CertRequestResourceService.java:165 the debug message
"RequestNotFound" below is not necessary because the toString() will
include the exception name in the output. It should be just:
Endi S. Dewata