The following are my review comments:
- I see you replaced the PL_strcat() calls in mod_tokendb.cpp. How
about the other PL_strcat() calls in other files? Do they not present
any issue?
- The following RA::Debug() message and comment seems a bit confusing
for me as it seems to declare that it's about to truncate and yet it's
actually trying to resize:
A::Debug( "safe_injection_strcat, about to truncate, resize injection
buffer: ", "current len: %d expected_len %d data_len: %d
cur_injection_size %d",current_len, expected_len, cat_data_len,
*injection_size );
/* We are going to get truncated!
How about say something like "...resizing to avoid truncation..."
- safe_injection_strcat()
not sure of the role of the variable "result" as it only gets set once
at the end, but returned many times in the middle. Unclear if 1 is
success or 0 is. There is no comment (yeah, could you please provide
comment for parameters and return value?). It is especially confusing
when check_injection_size() comment says "returns 0 on success, 1 on
failure" and yet safe_injection_strcat() has "if (check_res == 1),
return result", where result was init'd to be 0, So does that mean it
is the opposite of the check_injection_size()?
Another thing is the callers ignore the return values from
safe_injection_strcat() anyway, so why return anything at all?
- Why only call check_injection_size 2nd time if still not enough?
On 10/22/2012 02:54 PM, John Magne wrote:
Request review for issue:
Bug 864607 - Empty certificate search in TPS results in httpd.worker segmentation fault
then server error.
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