Auto enrollment proxy
by Dąbrowski Hubert
I'm searching for autoenrollment proxy (form Microst) source code. Will be glad for any informarmation :)
8 years, 9 months
[PATCH] 729 Fixed problem uninstalling standalone KRA.
by Endi Sukma Dewata
When installing a standalone KRA the admin certificate is base-64
encoded and stored in the kra.admin.cert property in the CS.cfg.
Previously the encoded certificate contains EOL characters which
may cause uninstall to fail due to parsing error. The install code
has been fixed to normalize the encoded certificate properly.
Pushed to master under one-liner/trivial rule.
Endi S. Dewata
8 years, 9 months
[PATCH] Incorrect clone installation summary
by Matthew Harmsen
Please review the attached patch which addresses:
* PKI TRAC Ticket #856 - Incorrect clone installation summary
The patch was tested by installing a 'pki-tomcat' CA master:
Administrator's username: caadmin
Administrator's PKCS #12 file:
Administrator's certificate database:
To check the status of the subsystem:
systemctl status pki-tomcatd(a)pki-tomcat.service
To restart the subsystem:
systemctl restart pki-tomcatd(a)pki-tomcat.service
The URL for the subsystem is:
PKI instances will be enabled upon system boot
and a 'pki-tomcat-ca-clone' CA clone on the same machine
Administrator's username: caadmin
This CA subsystem of the 'pki-tomcat-ca-clone' instance
is a clone.
To check the status of the subsystem:
systemctl status pki-tomcatd(a)pki-tomcat-ca-clone.service
To restart the subsystem:
systemctl restart pki-tomcatd(a)pki-tomcat-ca-clone.service
The URL for the subsystem is:
PKI instances will be enabled upon system boot
8 years, 9 months
[PATCH] 726 Removed unused variables in deployment scriptlets.
by Endi Sukma Dewata
The unused rv instance variables in all deployment scriptlets have
been removed. The spawn() and destroy() are now returning None
instead of error code. If an error happens during execution the
scriptlet will throw an exception which will be caught by pkispawn
or pkidestroy and then displayed to the user.
Endi S. Dewata
8 years, 9 months