by John Magne
Provide CA EE Restful interface and test client.
Tickets #144 and #145
Providing the following:
1. Simple EE restful interface for certificates, printing, listing and searching.
2. Simple EE restful interface for certificate enrollment requests.
3. Simple EE restful interface for profiles and profile properties.
4. Simple Test client to exercise the functionality.
5. Created restful client base class inherited by CARestClient and DRMRestClient.
6. Provide simple restful implementations of new interfaces added.
ToDO: Need some more refactoring to base classes for some of the new classes which are similar to classes
in the DRM restful area.
ToDO: Actual certificate enrollment code that will be refactored from existing ProfileSubmitServlet.
12 years, 9 months
PATCH 0029 - RESTful servlet to configure system in a single servlet
by Ade Lee
Please review:
New RESTful servlet that does system configuration in a single servlet.
Installation code common to the panels and the installation servlet are extracted to a
ConfigurationUtils file. The panel code will be cleaned up to use the code in this
class in a later commit.
Contains restful client and test driver code. The test driver code should be modified
and placed in a junit/system test framework. Installation has been tested to work with
the following installations: master CA, clone CA, KRA, OCSP, TKS, subordinate CA, CA
signed by external CA (parts 1 and 2).
Ticket #155
12 years, 9 months
[PATCH] 54 Configured Eclipse to clean up on save.
by Endi Sukma Dewata
Eclipse has been configured to do the followings on save:
- organize imports
- remove unused imports
- remove unnecessary casts
- remove trailing white spaces on all lines
These settings can be configured in PKI Project -> Properties ->
Java Editor -> Save Actions.
Ticket #134
Endi S. Dewata
12 years, 10 months
[PATCH] 56 Removed deprecated resources.
by Endi Sukma Dewata
Some exceptions used deprecated resource class names as the bundle name,
they have been replaced with string constants. The deprecated resource
classes are no longer used, so they have been removed.
Ticket #3
Endi S. Dewata
12 years, 10 months
[PATCH] 55 Removed unused private fields.
by Endi Sukma Dewata
Most of unused private fields have been removed because they generate
warnings in Eclipse. Some are kept because it might be useful later.
Ticket #139
Endi S. Dewata
12 years, 10 months
[PATCH] PKI Deployment Framework
by Matthew Harmsen
Please review and provide an ACK for the attached patch.
This patch attempts to continue implementation of the PKI Deployment
Framework based upon the revised filesystem layout documented here:
* http://pki.fedoraproject.org/wiki/PKI_Instance_Deployment#CA_.2F_KRA_.2F_...
The following patch adds/corrects functionality of the existing PKI
Deployment Framework including (but not limited to):
* Created first three 'scriptlets':
o Dogtag 10: Python 'instance_layout.py' Installation Scriptlet
o Dogtag 10: Python 'webserver_layout.py' Installation Scriptlet
o Dogtag 10: Python 'subsystem_layout.py' Installation Scriptlet
* Created numerous PKI deployment helper utilities.
* Augmented logging to provide indentation.
* Generated logic for installation 'manifest'.
* Tested logic using '--dry_run' option and '-p' prefix options.
After being installed, this code can be tested by running the following
command-line examples (as 'root' or 'sudo'):
* mkdir /tmp/pki
* sudo pkispawn -s CA -p /tmp/pki -v --dry_run
* sudo pkispawn -s CA -p /tmp/pki -v
* sudo pkispawn -s CA -p /tmp/pki -u -v --dry_run
* sudo pkispawn -s CA -p /tmp/pki -u -v
* sudo pkidestroy -s CA -p /tmp/pki -v --dry_run
* sudo pkidestroy -s CA -p /tmp/pki -v
This code ONLY affects the un-released 'pki-deploy' package, so check-in
of these changes should not harm the existing source in any way.
NOTE: After receiving an ACK for these changes, I will update my
horribly out-of-date working repo located at:
* http://fedorapeople.org/gitweb/mharmsen/public_git/pki.git
Thanks in advance,
-- Matt
12 years, 10 months