[PATCH] 32 Replaced deprecated Date API.
by Endi Sukma Dewata
The deprecated Date(year, month, date) constructor has been replaced
with Calendar API. There are similar Date constructors in JavaScript
but those are not deprecated and should not be replaced.
Ticket #3
Endi S. Dewata
12 years, 11 months
Request to build pki-core-9.0.3-24.el6 for RHEL 6.3 in Brew . . .
by Matthew Harmsen
We would like to request an official build of 'pki-core-9.0.3-24.el6'
for RHEL 6.3 in Brew to resolve the following bugs:
* *Bugzilla Bug #802396*
<https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=802396> -Syntax Errors
restart IPA services /var/lib/pki-ca/pki-ca: line 91
The official source tarball and all associated patches are located at:
* http://pki.fedoraproject.org/pki/sources/pki-core/
and include the following:
and include the following:
* pki-core-9.0.3.tar.gz
* pki-core-9.0.3-r1846.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r1860.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r1862.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r1864.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r1875.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r1879.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r1886.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r1908.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r2074.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r2097.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r2103.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r2104.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r2106.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r2112.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r2118.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r2125.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r2126.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r2128.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r2149.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r2151.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r2153.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r2161.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r2163.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r2182.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-r2249.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-bz771790.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-bz745677.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-bz769388.patch
* pki-core-9.0.3-bz802396.patch
The updated official spec file is attached.
-- Matt
12 years, 11 months
[PATCH] pki-vakwetu-0024-Allow-clones-to-specify-master-and-replica-ports-and.patch
by Ade Lee
Allow clones to specify master and replica ports and security options
Removed -clone_start_tls option and subsumed it into -replicationSecurity.
Refactored DatabasePanel parameter verification code to allow it to be
used in both update() and validate(). Added new parameters to pkisilent
and databasepanel.vm. Fixed pkisilent deprecation errors.
Please review.
12 years, 11 months
[PATCH] pki-vakwetu-0023-BZ-802396-Change-location-of-TOMCAT_LOG-to-match-tom.patch
by Ade Lee
BZ 802396 - Change location of TOMCAT_LOG to match tomcat6 changes
Tomcat6 has changed the changed the location of the TOMCAT_LOG, and
it should no longer point to catalina.out. This initially caused
dogtag to break because the code to chown TOMCAT_LOG to TOMCAT_USER
was removed. Added code to spec file to fix existing instances.
Please review.
12 years, 11 months
by John Magne
Patch to provide a custom tomcat Realm to protect CS servlets with
both client authentication protection and simple authorization protection.
Testing instructions in the patch's checkin message.
12 years, 11 months