On 11/14/2012 8:23 AM, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:
The messages in ProfileList.template in CA EE has been extracted
into a properties file which can be translated separately.
The original messages in the template have been marked as follows:
<span class="message"
When the page is loaded into the browser, the original message will
be replaced with the translated message.
Ticket #406
Just to clarify, this patch demonstrates how message customization could
be done. A full solution will require many incremental patches due to
the number of messages to be customized. Here is how it works.
Previously a theme consist of HTML/Velocity templates, JS files, images
and CSS files. The HTML/Velocity templates contain HTML code, JS code,
paths to images/CSS files, and text messages.
To create a custom theme we had to clone the default Dogtag theme, then
customize the files as needed. Most of the time we'll only be changing
the images, CSS, and messages, but we still have to duplicate everything
in the theme. This becomes a maintenance issue because if we change
anything in the default theme, the custom theme will not be updated
automatically, and it could be hard to merge the changes.
Recently we've been moving the templates and JS files out of the theme
packages into the core packages because they are less likely to be
changed, leaving just the images and CSS files in the theme. However,
the messages are still part of the templates. To support customization
we need to separate the messages from the templates.
JQuery and jquery-i18n-properties are tools that we can use to load
custom messages from a separate properties file and then replace the
original messages in the template.
Suppose we have a template which contains the following HTML code:
The Dogtag Certificate System is an enterprise-class open
source Certificate Authority.
To make the messages customizable we need to mark them. Here we are
using a <span> which shouldn't be visible in the browser:
<span class="message" name="title">Dogtag</span>
<span class="message" name="description">The Dogtag
System is an enterprise-class open source Certificate
The <span> element is assigned a class "message" which will be used to
locate all messages. The element is also assigned a name which will be
used as message key. The original message itself is left intact within
the <span> to help visualize the page. Then we create a
Messages.properties that maps the message keys to the actual messages:
title = Dogtag
description = The Dogtag Certificate System is an enterprise-class\
open source Certificate Authority.
The messages in the properties file can be customized as needed. Then
we'll use the tools to load the custom messages and replace the original
messages in the template:
name: 'Messages',
callback: function() {
var key;
for (key in $.i18n.map) {
var message = $.i18n.prop(key);
After the browser finishes loading the page the $.i18n.properties() will
run to load the custom messages from Messages.properties. Once they are
loaded the callback() will run to replace all marked messages with the
custom messages.
There are 2 different purposes for message customization which require
different strategies: branding and translation.
If we're doing branding only, like the current implementation, we need
to use separate properties for each theme, for example:
Messages.properties - Dogtag theme
Messages.properties - Other theme
If we're doing translation only we need to use separate properties file
for each language, for example:
Messages.properties - Dogtag theme in English
Messages_es.properties - Dogtag theme in Spanish
Messages_fr.properties - Dogtag theme in French
If we're doing both branding and translation the number of files will be
Messages.properties - Dogtag theme in English
Messages_es.properties - Dogtag theme in Spanish
Messages_fr.properties - Dogtag theme in French
Messages.properties - Other theme in English
Messages_es.properties - Other theme in Spanish
Messages_fr.properties - Other theme in French
One possible solution is to do the translation and branding separately
using different message markers:
<span class="product" name="title">Dogtag</span>
<span class="message" name="description">The <span
class="product" name="long_title">Dogtag Certificate
System</span> is an enterprise-class open source Certificate
Here we can load the translated "message" first, then load the
untranslated "product" after that. This solution doesn't require as many
properties files:
Messages.properties - English messages
Messages_es.properties - Spanish messages
Messages_fr.properties - French messages
Product.properties - Dogtag theme
Product.properties - Other theme
If we can assume the messages are fixed, we can actually include the
messages in the core packages and leave the branding in the theme packages.
We could also stack the theme files, similar to the sections in the
configuration file, so the custom theme only needs to store the files
that are different from the default theme. This will require the ability
to install multiple themes and deploy the custom theme on top of the
default theme.
Endi S. Dewata