On 12/03/2015 10:18 PM, Fraser Tweedale wrote:
Hi Ade et al,
I've opened a pagure PR with a draft (and incomplete) design for the
GSS-API authentication:
This should also probably be shared with the FreeIPA development list
since it will allow for better integration there.
There are still some areas to be investigated and some open
questions. Please give it a once over and provide your thoughts.
In particular I would like feedback on the idea to use alternative
IAuthManager plugins for authorisation; identities from different
IdPs would use different plugins (or different instances of
plugins). I think this gives a nice integration when the system
providing external identities (e.g. FreeIPA) already has concepts
for authorisation of PKI-related operations (again, FreeIPA,
certainly for CA and probably also for KRA too).
Thanks, and have a nice weekend!
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