On 8/4/2014 9:29 AM, Abhishek Koneru wrote:
Please find the attached patch which generates the asymmetric keys
algorithms RSA and DSA (EC to be added) for a valid key sizes of 512,
1024, 2048, 4096.
Key Changes in the patch -
- Adding methods for generation of Asymmetric keys in the DRM.
- Allowing the key-generate CLI command to accept algorithms RSA and
- Returning the base64 encoded public key in the KeyInfo object
(key-show CLI command).
- Retrieving the private key using the retrieveKeyData method in the
-- Abhishek
I've opened some tickets related to key management. Please take a look
at them.
The patch seems to be working just fine, so it's ACKed. Some comments below:
1. Not sure about the "b64" prefix in b64PublicKey and b64_public_key
field names. We have some other fields that contain base-64 encoded
values but they use regular field names.
2. Existing issue. The KeyGenerationRequest.getKeySize() swallows
NumberFormatException and returns null. I think the method should let
the exception be handled by the caller. It's a RuntimeException so it
doesn't need to be declared.
3. In AsymKeyGenService.serviceRequest() the request ID doesn't really
need to be converted into string. The string concatenation later will do
that automatically.
String id = request.getRequestId().toString();
4. The following code in KeyRequestService might not be necessary
because access to this service is already controlled by ACL, so owner is
never null.
if (owner == null) {
throw new UnauthorizedException(
"Key generation must be performed by an agent");
In general we shouldn't hard-code authorization logic in the code unless
it's something can't be expressed via ACL.
5. Some formatting issues:
Formatting issue in KeyCLI.java:
} else if (request instanceof AsymKeyGenerationRequest){
public Response generateAsymKey(AsymKeyGenerationRequest data){
if(rec.getPublicKeyData() != null && getPublicKey){
public class AsymKeyGenerationRequest extends KeyGenerationRequest{
public class KeyGenerationRequest extends ResourceMessage{
Endi S. Dewata