The Dogtag team is proud to announce the fourth errata build for
Dogtag 10.0.
Builds are available for Fedora 18 and Fedora 19 in the updates-testing
repositories. Please try them out and provide karma to move them to the
F18 and F19 stable repositories.
== Build Versions ==
== Highlights since Dogtag 10.0.3 ==
* Enhanced pkispawn to provide automatic backup and restore mechanism
for files modified during the upgrade process.
* Improved the summary information at the end of pkispawn to include,
among other things, the location of the agent PKCS #12 file.
* Fixes to pkispawn and the installation servlets to fix cloning.
* Fix to pkispawn to correctly overwrite the pki_issuing_ca when
configuring with an external CA. This resolves an issue reported by IPA
in BZ #986901.
* Numerous fixes to resolve build issues on F19 and RHEL.
== Detailed Changes since Dogtag 10.0.3 ==
akoneru (1):
#645 Display the admin p12 file location in the installation summary
alee (6):
#680 Missing apache-commons-cli dependency
#665 cloning is broken for second instance in shared subsystems
BZ #973224 - resteasy-base must be split into subpackages
-- Add build dependency on systemd to fix build failures on f19.
-- Modify pkispawn to handle case where no subsystem certs are generated
-- Modify java-tools startup scripts to use correct JNI path
awnuk (1):
BZ #961522 - Allow key to be exported.
cfu (1):
BZ #971561 - server-side key generation causes NullPointerException
if a parameter is not supplied by the caller (TPS)
edewata (6)
#582 Man page for pki-upgrade
#583 Automatic backup and rollback on upgrade
BZ #986901 - Fix confguration issues with external CA.
BZ #985111 - token authentication problem on rhel
-- Removing JNI_JAR_DIR from /etc/pki/pki.conf.
-- Fixed library paths for RHEL.
mharmsen (2):
BZ #986506 - exclude pki-kra, pki-ocsp and pki-tks from rhel
BZ #975939 - RHCS 8.1: "END CERTIFICATE" tag is not on it's own line