Hi, I have some comments about the design:
I think all system/default profiles should remain file-based and all
custom profiles should be LDAP-based. It will make a clean separation:
system profiles are owned by us (Dogtag developers), custom profiles
are owned by the admin.
The system profiles will be read-only. This way we will be able to
update the system profiles without writing any upgrade scripts because
the files will be updated automatically by RPM. Just one requirement,
all server instances must be upgraded to the same version.
If the admin wants to change a system profile, they can clone it into
a custom profile and make the changes there. The custom profiles
cannot have the same names as the system profiles, so there's won't be
any conflict/confusion, and no need to support a "restore" command. In
general we won't need to write upgrade scripts for custom profiles
except if we change the LDAP schema.
About the schema itself, I suppose we want to have something that
resembles the actual Profile data structure (see ProfileData Java
class). There should be an LDAP attribute for each single-valued Java
attribute (e.g. name, description, enabled, visible). This way the
profile is more manageable and can be queried based on these
attributes. For collection attributes (e.g. inputs, outputs,
policySets) we can use child LDAP entries to represent them.
About the names, right now we use "profile" to refer to both cert
profile in CA and token profile in TPS. We probably should use
separate terms to distinguish them (e.g. CertProfile and
TokenProfile). This applies to Java/Python class names, REST
interface, CLI, LDAP schema, etc.
So the LDAP entries for a profile may look like this:
dn: cn=MyUserCert,ou=Profiles,ou=CA,{suffix}
objectClass: certProfile
cn: MyUserCert
displayName: Manual User Dual-Use Certificate Enrollment
description: This certificate profile is for enrolling user certificates.
visible: true
enabled: true
enabledBy: admin
dn: ou=Inputs,cn=MyUserCert,ou=Profiles,ou=CA,{suffix}
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: Inputs
dn: cn=i1,ou=Inputs,cn=MyUserCert,ou=Profiles,ou=CA,o=pki-tomcat
objectClass: pkiCertProfileInput
cn: i1
classId: keyGenInputImpl
About the REST interface & CLI, since this will be the primary way to
edit profiles, we might want to have more granular commands to modify
parts of the profile. Right now with ca-profile-mod command you need
to send the entire profile in a file. It would be nice to be able to
specify some parameters to change certain attributes only, or use
separate commands to manage the inputs/outputs.
We'll also need an interface to find existing cert records that use a
certain profile and bulk modify them to use a different profile. This
will be useful when you create a clone to change the system profile.
I'm not sure if we should support 10.2 -> 10.3 cloning. When we
release 10.3 the 10.2 will still be fairly new so it might be
reasonable to require all clones to be upgraded. It will reduce the
amount of testing requirement too.
Makes sense.
Thank you,
Dmitri Pal
Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
Red Hat, Inc.