This is an updated patch that added handling for
* possible unrevoke case for temp token recovery and
* terminate case from REST UI
testing for recovery will be conducted by Jack per agreement.
On 09/02/2014 08:39 PM, Christina Fu wrote:
This patch provides the REST interface triggered revoke/unrevoke and
certificate record status update; Previously when admin changes the
status of a token, the change is not trickled to the certificate
records nor the CA.
The following simple cases are tested (per default policy):
* change a token status from active to lost - certs will be revoked
* change a token status from active to temporarily lost - certs will
be put on hold
* change a token status from temporarily lost back to to active -
certs will be unrevoked
Also to make sure the earlier revoke case doesn't break (per default
* format a token - certs revoked
There is room for improvement, but this patch provides the basic
functionality nevertheless.
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