This patch implements a Token Profile Resolver Plugin Framework for
TPS. It allows a site to implement its own token profile resolver.
The TokenProfileResolverManager initializes the token Resolver plugin
framework from the following configuration files:
- <instance patch>/conf/registry.cfg
- <instance patch>/conf/CS.cfg
The existing mapping method "getTokenType" was extracted into the
default plugin code: MappingTokenProfileResolver. All resolver plugin
codes will extend from BaseTokenProfileResolver.
The most visible change from sites running previous versions of TPS is
that the mapping related config params
have now being extracted into token resolver instance params
e.g. tokenProfileResolver.formatMappingResolver.mapping.xxxx
where "class_id" defines the plugin implementation name defined in the
and op.format.tokenProfileResolver points to the defined resolver instance
e.g. op.format.tokenProfileResolver=formatMappingResolver
A separate ticket will be filed to provide actual plugin writing
instruction as well as a sample plugin.
Finally, even though this patch does not directly address RFE: Mapping tokens to
tokentype, where the request was to figure out the tokenType (Token
profile) by uid instead of the current mapping method, it provides the
means for one to write any customized plugins.