is it possible there is a user provided extended key usage extension in the request?
or there may be a profile configuration issue related to userExtensionDefaultImpl and keyUsageExtConstraintImpl, we may need to see the whole enrollment profile (eventually send it to me privately if you prefer).

On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 7:02 AM Jose Antonio Mendoza Roa <> wrote:

Hi everyone, I am new to this list and new to using dogtag.
I have 3 profiles (types of certificates) which asked me to append this configuration Smart Card Logon ( and add this configuration to the certificate profile

policyset.userCertSet.p15.constraint.class_id=noConstraintImpl Constraint
policyset.userCertSet.p15.default.class_id=extendedKeyUsageExtDefaultImpl Key Usage Extension Default

But when I did the tests I get this error in the dogtag logs.

"duplicate extension attempted! Name: oid= val=48 0"

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