
I don't think Dogtag Web UI supports it. The feature you are suggesting (sounds to me like it) requires a full fledged IDM deployment. You can look at FreeIPA, if you are looking for MFA.

FreeIPA uses Dogtag CA as its backend to issue certs and also combines several other components to offer a full-fledged IDM deployment.

Nonetheless, I'm CC'ing pki-devel to see if other developers have any thoughts.


On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 4:47 PM Pascal Jakobi <> wrote:


In fact all I am doing here is in order to offer a GUI that may be used with OpenId Connect (ie Keycloak or so...). The value of this is that it is much more flexible than certificate based authentication. You can have MFA, etc....

So my question : is there a way to remove the certificate based access control in Dogtag's UI ? I would replace it with a tomcat valve that provides OIDC support.


Pascal Jakobi 116 rue de Stalingrad 93100 Montreuil, France - +33 6 87 47 58 19