1. It might be helpful to explain briefly what each ldap command is doing.  For example, for the life of me, I don't know why one needs to run that ldapsearch command before the certutil command

2.Nothing to do with man pages, I am just thinking out loud... I'm a bit concerned that one needs to download and run a script from a user content offering... Does DS not offer it on a more official channel?

3. This comment is regarding the layout of information in this whole section on setting up secure ldap with ca, so it already existed before you changes, but since it has to do with clarity and accuracy, please bear with me.
 the "Prior  to installing the subsystem..." paragraph ends with "...and its self-signed CA certificate exported to a file..."
     but, the "It should be noted" at end of the section talks about three scenarios, which the above "must" item now become one (#3) of the three scenarios instead.
may I suggest that we move the whole "note" part to the very top of this section, and instead of "It should be noted..." you skip the first 5 words and begin with
 " There are basically three scenarios..." (maybe remove the word "basically")
then for scenario one, you give the instruction for it
and scenario 3 you give it its instruction

Then at the end, mention that since scenario 1 and 3 requires talking ldaps, you need those two extra pkispawn parameters

 I hope it's not too complicated.


On 07/16/2015 05:48 PM, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:
The instruction to setup secure LDAP connection in the pkispawn
man page has been updated. The sample deployment configuration
file has been made more generic. The setup-ds.pl has been removed
from the instruction since generating a self-signed certificate
requires a DS admin server. The URL to download setupssl2.sh has
been changed with a more direct link. The sample LDAP password
has been changed to match the current deployment configuration
examples. Some paragraphs have been line wrapped to simplify man
page development.

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