Please review the following patches for Bug 744207 - Key archival fails when KRA is configured with lunasa:



The JSS patch alone allows key archival (both RSA and ECC) to work with lunasa token
where the lunasa token has to be KE-capable.  Work done specifically on the following model:
Model: Luna SA v5 w/ PED auth and CKE
  Part No: 908-000093-001

The DRM/KRA patch are just some debugging to make recovery debugging easier with an addition of non-static salt.
The recovery is not working currently, failing with wrapping operation during PBE creation:
Bug 817423 - Key recovery fails when KRA is configured with lunasa
which will be fixed at a later time.

To test these patches for key archival on the said model of lunasa, one must turn on the prototype mode for recovery.
