Please review and provide an ACK for the attached patch.
This patch attempts to continue implementation of the PKI Deployment
Framework based upon the revised filesystem layout documented here:
The following patch adds/corrects functionality of the existing PKI
Deployment Framework including (but not limited to):
- Created first three 'scriptlets':
- Created numerous PKI deployment helper utilities.
- Augmented logging to provide indentation.
- Generated logic for installation 'manifest'.
- Tested logic using '--dry_run' option and '-p' prefix options.
After being installed, this code can be tested by running the
following command-line examples (as 'root' or 'sudo'):
- mkdir /tmp/pki
- sudo pkispawn -s CA -p /tmp/pki -v --dry_run
- sudo pkispawn -s CA -p /tmp/pki -v
- sudo pkispawn -s CA -p /tmp/pki -u -v --dry_run
- sudo pkispawn -s CA -p /tmp/pki -u -v
- sudo pkidestroy -s CA -p /tmp/pki -v --dry_run
- sudo pkidestroy -s CA -p /tmp/pki -v
This code ONLY affects the un-released 'pki-deploy' package, so
check-in of these changes should not harm the existing source in
any way.
NOTE: After receiving an ACK for these changes, I will update my
horribly out-of-date working repo located at:
Thanks in advance,
-- Matt