The attached patch attempts to address these issues and adds a patch for:
With the addition of the patch above, I was able to simply restart the server and it successfully started a Dogtag 9 CA instance running under the Dogtag 10 packages.

On 08/24/12 07:54, Ade Lee wrote:
Couple of comments:

1. We need to think about how to handle each of the cases you have
encountered.  There are a number of cases where you simply warn and exit
rather than fixing the link.  I think these are open for debate, but I
suggest the following:

missing link -> (currently) add the link (suggested) add the link
link pointing to wrong place --> (currently) error (suggested) fix the link
link pointing to non-existent target --> (currently) error (suggested) fix the link
link is actually a file -> (currently) warn (suggested) warn
link is a directory or otherwise -> (currently) error (suggested) error
2. This is perhaps a stylistic comment.  You spend a large number of
lines defining variables that specify paths that ultimately only ever
get used within the same function.  To me, this just makes the code
harder to read.  Its a lot simpler (and has no loss in generality) to


instead of:

If I need to understand what a particular link is, I can see it directly
rather than having to hunt through figuring out what {resteasy_java_dir}
is, which in turn is defined in terms of {java_dir} ...

The only reason you might want to declare variables here would be for
arch dependent links.

On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 20:21 -0700, Matthew Harmsen wrote:
This patch addresses the issue listed below for Dogtag 10:
      * TRAC Ticket #301 - Need to modify init scripts to verify
        needed symlinks in an instance
This patch has been tested and found to work successfully on 64-bit
Fedora 17 with SElinux in "Permissive" mode:
      * Built and installed Dogtag 9 Packages on a 64-bit Fedora 17
      * Installed and configured Dogtag 9 CA instance
      * Successfully submitted an enrollment request, approved
        enrollment request, issued certificate, and listed
      * Built and installed Dogtag 10 Packages on the same 64-bit
        Fedora 17 host
      * Restarted Dogtag 9 CA instance (so that it was now running
        under Dogtag 10)
      * Successfully submitted an enrollment request and listed
      * Successfully approved the enrollment request and issued a
        certificate AFTER:
              * manually shutting down the CA instance,
              * applying the CS.cfg fixes documented in "TRAC Ticket
                #303 - Dogtag 10: CS.cfg parameters for Dogtag 9
                instance running under Dogtag 10 packages . . .", and
              * restarting the CA instance)

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