On 09/16/13 07:56, Ade Lee wrote:
There were two big changes in F20.

1. Change resteasy from 2.3.4 to 3.0.1
2. Change in tomcat to use systemd unit files.

Change 1 resulted in failed compilation.  I fixed the compilation issues
so now it will compile and deploy, even though there are still issues.

In particular, 
a) the new interceptors appear to work exactly as expected.
b) the method getStringHeaders() is not implemented in 3.0.1.  Neither
is getStringHeader(foo) , so we'll have to do some ugly casting or
something.  Will fix in another patch.  This affects client side
wrapping of exceptions.
c) We still have a problem in which @Context parameters are not set.

Change 2 basically broke the way we started.  The simplest solution is
for us to change our unit file to match what tomcat has.

a) We will need a migration script to make some changes to the property
file in /etc/sysconfig/<instance_name> for JAVA_OPTS for existing
instances.  Will add in subsequent patch.

b) tomcat now logs to /var/log/messages (and journald) rather than
catalina.out.  We can ask them to change this and support old
catalina.out, but not sure if we want to do this.

To see the logs, you can now do 
journalctl -u pki-tomcatd@pki-tomcat.service

for example. Open to suggestions on this.


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