Please review the following patch which addresses:

NOTE:  Although it may not be necessary, this patch was applied on top of the patch to 'Disable PKI GUI Configuration'.

A CA was installed to be certain that this patch caused no disruption, and the following BEFORE and AFTER listings were done showing that all of the emboldened entries have been removed:

BEFORE application of the patch:

# pwd
# ls -CFa
./   ca-trust-source/  etc/         kra/           scripts/  silent/  upgrade/
../  common-ui/        java-tools/  native-tools/  server/   tks/     VERSION
ca/  deployment/       key/         ocsp/          setup/    tps/
# ls silent/
# ls scripts/
functions  operations  pki_apache_initscript
# ls setup/  menu.xml  pkidaemon_registry
# ls /usr/bin/pki*
/usr/bin/pki         /usr/bin/pkidaemon  /usr/bin/pki-setup-proxy
/usr/bin/pkicontrol  /usr/bin/pkill      /usr/bin/pkisilent
/usr/bin/pkicreate   /usr/bin/pkiremove
AFTER application of the patch:
# pwd
# ls -CFa
./   ca-trust-source/  etc/         kra/           scripts/  tks/      VERSION
../  common-ui/        java-tools/  native-tools/  server/   tps/
ca/  deployment/       key/         ocsp/          setup/    upgrade/
# ls silent/
ls: cannot access silent: No such file or directory
# ls scripts
# ls setup  menu.xml  pkidaemon_registry
# ls /usr/bin/pki*
/usr/bin/pki  /usr/bin/pkidaemon  /usr/bin/pkill  /usr/bin/pki-setup-proxy