Received verbal ACK from Jack.

Pushed to master:
commit 51f34c3edb73a78b42468b756b89d07fc9ec7839


On 06/16/2016 05:41 PM, Christina Fu wrote:
Thanks for Jack's sharp eye, i accidentally messed up the git wit one new profile.  This new patch
1. fixed the git issue
2. change the CS.cfg config names to not include "ca" as they apply to kra too
3. Also after discussing with Jack, we decided to change the default of excludedLdapAttrs.enabled to false.


On 06/16/2016 03:50 PM, Christina Fu wrote:
This is part 2 of: [non-TMS] for key archival/recovery, not to record certain data in ldap and logs

This patch allows one to exclude certain ldap attributes from the enrollment records for crmf requests
(both CRMF, and CMC CRMF).  The following are the highlights:
* CRMF Manual approval profile is disabled: caDualCert.cfg
  - By default, if ca.excludedLDAPattrs.enabled is true, then this profile will not work, as the crmf requests
    are not written to ldap record for agents to act on
* ca.excludedLDAPattrs.attrs can be used to configure the attribute list to be excluded
* a new CRMF "auto approval" (directory based, needs to be setup) is provided
* By default, the following fields are no longer written to the ldap record in case of CRMF:
(note: the code deliberately use literal strings on purpose for the reason that the exact literal strings need to be spelled out
in ca.excludedLDAPattrs.attrs if the admin chooses to override the default)
* a sleepOneMinute() method is added for debugging purpose.  It is not called in the final code, but is left there for future debugging purpose
* code was fixed so that in KRA request will display subject name even though the x509info is missing from request
* cmc requests did not have request type in records, so they had to be added for differentiation

The following have been tested:
* CRMF auto enroll
* CRMF manual enroll/approval
* CMC-CRMF enroll
*  both CA and KRA interla ldap are exampled for correct data exclusion

Note: CRMF could potentially not include key archival option, however, I am not going to differentiate them at the moment.  An earlier prototype I had built attempted to do that and the signing cert's record isn't excluded for attrs write while it's CRMF request is the same as that of its encryption cert counterpart within the same request.  Due to this factor (multiple cert reqs with the same request blob), I am treating them the same for exclusion.


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