On 11/30/11 05:55, Dmitri Pal wrote:
On 11/29/2011 08:37 PM, Matthew Harmsen wrote:
Before I file two release engineering tickets (one for F16 and one for F17 (rawhide)), I have a couple of questions regarding the following ticket:
As we are in the midst of moving source code from an 'svn' repo to a 'git' repo, and making potentially radical changes to the tip, should I:
  1. Specify using an 'svn' repo or a 'git' repo for generating these nightly builds?
  2. Specify the 'trunk', or 'DOGTAG_9_BRANCH' (the last 'stable' Dogtag source code that was released on Fedora 15, 16, and 17)?

What is the difference between trunk and 9 brunch?
As documented at http://pki.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Dogtag#Source_Code:

This new version of Dogtag will be developed using the source code on the Dogtag Trunk which is currently stored utilizing the Subversion Revision Control System and managed using git svn until such time as the source code can be migrated to the Git Revision Control System.

NOTE:   As a part of this activity, the Dogtag trunk will be in flux, and so for the convenience of current Dogtag 9.0 users, we have created a source code branch entitled DOGTAG_9_BRANCH.

-- Matt
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Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IPA project,
Red Hat Inc.

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