Hi Endi -
Unfortunately, customer issues have kept me from pursuing this further. I or one of my team still intends on doing so. I will be sure to let you know when I have tested.
Jesse Van Hill
Websphere Identity Management Architect & Dev Lead
WebSphere Application Server & Open Liberty
507-513-6234 jlvanhil@us.ibm.comEndi Sukma Dewata ---06/01/2020 10:42:43 PM-------- Original Message ----- > > Hi -
From: Endi Sukma Dewata <edewata@redhat.com>
To: Jesse L Van hill <jlvanhil@us.ibm.com>
Cc: pki-devel@redhat.com
Date: 06/01/2020 10:42 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Pki-devel] ACME Support: Error issuing certificate
Hi Jesse,
I was just wondering if you managed to test against the ACME server.
FYI, we're working on adding an embedded CA into the ACME server so
it can be containerized more easily without dependency on a separate
CA. Hopefully we will have something usable by the end of the month.
Endi S. Dewata