On 11/29/2011 05:37 PM, Matthew Harmsen wrote:
Before I file two release engineering tickets (one for F16 and one for F17 (rawhide)), I have a couple of questions regarding the following ticket:
As we are in the midst of moving source code from an 'svn' repo to a 'git' repo, and making potentially radical changes to the tip, should I:
  1. Specify using an 'svn' repo or a 'git' repo for generating these nightly builds?
  2. Specify the 'trunk', or 'DOGTAG_9_BRANCH' (the last 'stable' Dogtag source code that was released on Fedora 15, 16, and 17)?
-- Matt

Pki-devel mailing list
On Rawhide we are on pre-alpha and they are merging the code into the rhel-7 git repos. Deadline is Dec 13.
Given that my best guess would be git.

For what is worth, I also saw this in the RHEL-7-Planning list
On Tue, Oct 04, 2011 at 02:50:06PM -0400, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> I want to make it easy for developers to find answers to burning
> questions about RHEL 7 development phase.  For instance, there may be
> questions about using the forthcoming git repositories; using the new
> 'rhpkg' tool; RHEL Rawhide and any expectations for developers; how
> content imports will be done; and others.  
> I've started a wiki page to capture these questions here:
> https://home.corp.redhat.com/wiki/rhel-7-developer-information
> The page will be linked prominently in the main planning page and
> elsewhere.  Rather than making it a huge page full of information I'd
> like to structure it as a FAQ, with links to specific Q&A to make it
> easy to direct people to specific topics.  I'm thinking primarily
> about technical process questions, but that's open to discussion.

The page above has been updated to provide additional information on
dist-git and fixing builds.  The page is a work in progress, so feel
free to suggest other questions to be answered here.
